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Never get many replies any more.


New member
I don't know if it's just me, no one online, me giving repetitive threads, or people just aren't replying anymore, lol seemed like when I first joined I got masses of replies to threads, now I feel like I get none, haha probably just a combination of me feeling lonely an posting threads that have been posted a million times before , either way thought I'd share my lonely feelings and paranoia's on the site lol.
I just want some snake friends to talk tol, even catch myself sitting in the chat room alone hoping someone might join hahaha how sad :rofl: no one I know owns snakes outside of the internet is boring when it comes to snakes!
This is a busy time of year....LOTS of stuff going on with snakes coming out of brumation, and breeding season starting to reach full swing. You joined in January, which is a reasonably slow time compared to what happens in the next several months.

Soon enough there will be lots of really cool posts of babies hatching and fantastic new genetic combinations being achieved...Hold onto your hat...
Don't worry. This is a big forum and none of us get to read every thread. Often stuff just gets missed, or I'll think "I'll reply to that in a sec" and then totally forget.

You've just joined up here - it's not a popularity contest, honest :) Just stick around and join in with the chats and people will notice you, I promise.
Did anyone hear something?

hmm.. must of been the wind...:shrugs: :crazy02:

Don't worry Mary, Probably just most people have been skipping over threads recently because its a busy time of year!
haha cheers A.J aint seen you around in a while either, I don't want to be popular my thread has obviously been taken the wrong way, just if I have more answers to a question that I've posted then I can go with the majority, whereas if I have one reply I get nervous that just because one person has answered doesn't mean their right whereas if 5 people answer the same, I can be a bit more sure......
Joel is always lurking somewhere about the net.. I know you MSM each other, I'll see if he will take you to some of the places he goes.
I know how it feels to have no one to talk to about snakes (I was like that 30 yrs ago)...
Leave it with me...
Heh i've been around.. Just been trying to cut down on the amount of tripe i post, I mean 525 posts in less than 3 months...! Must get out more...
Sometimes, thankfully not often, work prevents me from spending much time online. Today's been one of those days!
There are ALOT of different places to "talk herps" with other hobbysits...unfortunately...we can't be every place all at once...gotta choose...or get a faster computer...;)
" If only one person answers, it's probably the right answer....When they get it wrong, everyone joins in...LOL

EXACTLY! Never fear, somebody will correct what needs correcting, and sometimes, even what DOESN'T need correcting, lol!

If you think it is busy now, wait until the babies start hatching in late spring / early summer. You won't see me around too much then!
haha cheers A.J aint seen you around in a while either, I don't want to be popular my thread has obviously been taken the wrong way, just if I have more answers to a question that I've posted then I can go with the majority, whereas if I have one reply I get nervous that just because one person has answered doesn't mean their right whereas if 5 people answer the same, I can be a bit more sure......

I remember feeling that way too..
I think actually it goes more like this though, someone asks a q, one person answers it pretty well, and about 100 people read the question and then the answer- and nod their heads in agreement.
But I think people are pretty fast about calling BS on an answer that is, so if you see one answer and a gang of people looked at the thread, it's probably agreed on..