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New addition! Lavender Motley


New member
My first morph that's a little different from the basic Classic/Amel/Anery/Snow! Not the greatest pics, but of course they never want to sit still and I just grabbed a few quick ones before tucking him away for his week of settling in.

1.0 Lavender Motley, about 5 mths old.



Is he big for 5 months? He's my smallest, next to the babies, but I'm not sure how big a 5 month old snake should be. He's 35 g. The person I got him from said she had him for 2 months and has only ever fed him pinkies (I forgot to ask if he's ever had double pinkies), but he should be on fuzzies by now. I almost wonder if she got the age wrong (maybe she was told the wrong age), because it would mean he was born in March. I don't know if it's common practice to play with breeding times, but that sounds a little early to have hatched, in the regular course of things.