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New Babies, Type?


Divalicious Member
I just got 2 new baby corns, but I got them from a pet store. The guy who actually sold them to me was afraid to touch them! (snake fear... good job for him to have!) :rolleyes: Anyway, needless to say, he wasn't sure about their backgrounds. You guys all seem to be pretty knowledgable about this, so I thought I'd show you guys.

This is Mayor Wilkins. I'm pretty sure he is an Amel, but I'm not positive. What do you think?

This is Sobek. She's so pale she's a pain in the butt to get decent pictures of. She always turns up washed out. But this one is the best one I've got. I was thinking maybe a Snow corn? She's a really pale pink with white markings.
yes I would agree with you on both accounts... the first is a Amel and the second is a Snow... very nice snakes... how old are they? when you breed them (im assuming you are) Youll probably get all Amels het for Anery... unless your Male is het for Anery A already then youll get Snows, Amels, and Anery A's...
Congrats on your new snakes... I know youll enjoy them!
Haven't decided yet if I'm going to breed them. They are my first snakes, and I want to see how it goes before I make any decisions about new babies. These two are 8 or 9 weeks old, I think (although, as I said, the guy I bought them from didn't know much about them.)

Here's another shot of Mayor Wilkins having a climb. :)
Well then I can you say that you have come to the right place to learn more about corns! This forum has helped me out so much that its unbelievable! Youll love it in here... You have my word! Im as addicted to this site as to my corns!
Hey there, fellow Northwesterner!

I agree with JR, you are correct about the types of snakes you have. Just one small correction about what you'd get when breeding them. If the amel is het for anery 'A' (Snow), then you'd get amels and Snows. Anery 'A' can only be seen by it's self when amel is not present. Since both snakes show amel then all of the babies would show amel and half would show amel and anery 'A' (Snow).
This is a great place to talk corns, lots of great folks! There's a show coming up in Puyallup, Oct 12th I believe. Then there's a show here in Hillsboro Oregon, Oct 19th. I'll have a table there. My hobby is out of control, I've got so many corns that I've got to start selling at shows or on the internet!
If you make it to any of the shows, be sure to stop by NW herps table, Ronda and Mark are great people. Also stop by The Lazy Slither Ranch table, Doug and Jeff are neat people too.
Thanks, Clint! I may just have to go to the one in Puyallup. I've never been to a herp show.

One more pic of the new babies enjoying their space (I'm so glad I decided to put in the big leafy tree thing):

Almost a yearling...

Well, in just a couple weeks, Mayor Wilkins will be one year old... He's getting bigger, and the white around his saddles has gotten smaller and smaller.

Unfortunately, we lost Sobek. She escaped while I was on vacation and I had a friend watching them. My kitty found her before I could, unfortunately.

But the Mayor is still alive and well. I have ordered a new hypo blood red from Serpenco, and I'm not so patiently awaiting his arrival. :) Looking forward to having 2 snakes again. I've got the second terrarium all set up and ready to go.


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Another pic of the Mayor

I'm planning a move in a couple of months from Seattle to Phoenix. The climates are obviously very different. I've had problems keeping the humidity in my terrarium up while I'm here... I'm sure that in the desert it will be much harder. I've switched from astroturf type cage lining to "Eco Earth" Coconut fiber substrate, and it's helped a little, but I have some concerns about keeping it humid enough in the desert.

Any ideas?


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Just be sure to give them humid hides. I usually use a butter bowl. Of course you can find some more attractive...

Cut a hole in the side. Get some sphagnum moss. Rinse it off really well, then squeeze out all of the water. Put it in the container and replace the lid. Snakes LOVE hiding in them, and it will give your babies a place to go when they need increased humidity,
I would also recommend, if you don't already, misting daily. It reall helps me keep my corns shedding well.