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New Babies!


New member
Sooo, the corn snake bug has bitten and bitten hard, today our local reptile shop had a Corn Snake Extravaganza, which means I got my mothers day gift early lol. I had previously purchased a nice striped corn (possible hypo not sure) male and a nice butter female both het for lavender. Well today I picked up a 09 Male Carmel and a 10 Female Hypo Striped. Both snakes are great and I am really excited in a couple of years seeing what I can produce. The reptile shop gave me a great deal on the new boy and girl, ($40 for both of them together yay) and so I figured I would take a few pics before leaving them alone this week. so here we go.

Male Carmel (unsure of hets)


Female Butter

Female Hypo Stripe

Male Stripe (hypo?)
Beautiful snakes :D I'm going to have to go by our local pet store to see if they are having a sale!
Oh, they're beautiful! Your hypo stripe female would look awfully nice here at my house :).

I had to go get some mice today. The store had corn snakes in, but nothing particularly striking (unless you like ghosts or white-ish corns--I prefer the brightly colored ones). They did have a really beautiful high white California king snake, though. They let me hold it for awhile. Spooky little thing, but very pretty!
Yea, we went to one of our local pet stores yesterday to look for stuff to use as egg boxes in our incubator. They have 3 snow 09's. They have had them for a couple months now. I doubt I will ever get anything from them again. We got Willie there who ended up having a deformity, Jewels who is a non-eating adult nut case and Zeus who was sold as a Zara, so I don't trust them too much (this isn't where we get our supplies and where we got Kapatcho). Anyway, they had a price tag of $44.99 on each of them and last week the same ones had a price of $29.99 on them. And they were labeled last week as albino corns and this week as something totally different...can't remember how they worded it but nothing like snow or albino or anything similar. Heck they even had some Kings called stuff I have never heard of...and they keep changing it too.

We are going to the Repticon in Timonium, MD next month...hope we find some corns there!

Great buys by the way..look great
I feel like I am pretty lucky, I live near a really nice personally owned reptile shop, both the guys that own it are great, know there stuff and if they dont, they tell you. With my carmel male I got, Jon, the "corn snake guy" told me he did not know his hets, would try to find out, but was up front and honest about the whole thing, which makes it much easier to buy from them, beside the fact that that the snakes are all great eaters, easy to handle, and in perfect health. And they make me deals YAY lol.
your caramel is really bright, nearly an amber :)
It made me think of some form of hypo in it.
Do you have pics of its belly?
Here is a belly shot, um I learned something taking this, it is extremely hard to hold a snake in one hand, trying to photo his belly, while holding the camera in the other hand and shoo away a curious dog, who thinks all things small are her babies LOL. But this is the best I got as far as true to colors go. His belly starts out really white then slowly fades to yellow towards his tail.


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