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new baby corn-I have questions :)

Brandi K

New member
I just bought my first snake on Sunday-it was an impulse buy because I held it and fell in love. So I picked up a reptile basic desert kit (zilla) and a hide (rock enclosure with a flat top for basking) The kit has a liner, humidity & temp gauge, night black heat bulb, day white light, screen cover and clips.
I have read everything I could find on snakes and I see that I should get a uth pad for heat.
So some of my questions are:
will he get out with just the screen and 2 clips?
I baked some sticks to put in there but they are pretty scratchy-should I take off the bark?
we have not done a feeding with him yet-the petstore said he ate on sat so I was going to wait until probably thurs to try and feed him-is that ok?

any other advice for me?

I realize now I should have done more research and not jumped into buying him-I obviously don't need the basking rock or lamps-I guess I thought the store would guide me in the right direction on this. I spent a lot on stuff I don't even need-oh well live and learn right!
I just bought my first snake on Sunday-it was an impulse buy because I held it and fell in love. So I picked up a reptile basic desert kit (zilla) and a hide (rock enclosure with a flat top for basking) The kit has a liner, humidity & temp gauge, night black heat bulb, day white light, screen cover and clips.
I have read everything I could find on snakes and I see that I should get a uth pad for heat.
So some of my questions are:
will he get out with just the screen and 2 clips?
I baked some sticks to put in there but they are pretty scratchy-should I take off the bark?
we have not done a feeding with him yet-the petstore said he ate on sat so I was going to wait until probably thurs to try and feed him-is that ok?

any other advice for me?

I realize now I should have done more research and not jumped into buying him-I obviously don't need the basking rock or lamps-I guess I thought the store would guide me in the right direction on this. I spent a lot on stuff I don't even need-oh well live and learn right!

Impulse is how many of us got started, so don't sweat it.

That sounds like a nice basic starter kit. Don't use sand, but instead use newspaper, papertowels or an aspen or carefresh substrate. The bulbs aren't necessary, but will not hurt as long as you have something to control the temperature in viv. Yeah, bulbs need a thermostat as well and be careful or they will dry out the tank. The UTH is the way to go, temperature controlled ofcourse and with a digital thermostat. The sticks should be fine even if they are scratchy. That will help with sheds.

Feed frozen thawed every 5-7 days. Keep the water and tank clean. The more hides the better and keep the questions coming.


PS welcome to the forum!
Corn snakes are not desert animals. They are woodland snakes.

You want:

A 10-gallon tank for while it is a hatchling, but a 20 gallon long, minimum, for when it is an adult.
Bedding along the lines of aspen or paper towels. Corn snakes love to burrow, but they should not be on sand as it can impact in their nostrils and bowels.
An undertank heater with a thermostat. Corns are crepescular. While they *will* bask, they truly only need belly heat. Plus a UTH doesn't dry out the viv as much as a heat lamp.
A digital probe thermometer. The stick on thermometers are worse than useless. The probe for the thermometer (and for the thermostat) goes directly on the glass, over the UTH. Not on top of the substrate. Not under a hide. You want it where the snake can physically get closest to the heat source.

Two clips should be sufficient. You can always use the lid as an extra repository for heavy books. :p

Re: scratchy sticks- corn snakes exist in the wild where there are plenty of scratchy sticks.
I would purchase an under tank heater and thermostat. Not sure about theat bulb and day white light... warm side on the glass should be 80-85 (at the highest) and cool side around 75.
great-thanks guys :)

I will go get a uth and probe

Also-I hold him atleast once daily-is that ok? He doesn't try and get away just keeps "snaking" around my fingers.

I have frozen pinkies to feed him-just have not tried it yet

It is so hard not to hold him all the time! I have wanted a snake for so long and I finally have one.

also how do you put a signature on here and a picture?
Just leave him be for about a week. Only go in there to change his water. I know it will be hard not to go in there and hold him, but you can do it! It will give him time to adjust to his new home without stress.

For the signature and other things, on the top rigof the screen, there is a bar of links. The first one is "User CP" which is your control panel. Click that, and on the right there will be a long list of things you can use to customize your profile.
If you look down in my personal forum here, or on my website, I have a cornsnake caresheet that should answer all your questions! I tested it by having a non-snake person read it and then asked her if she had any questions about how to care for a new baby snake- so I'm pretty sure it covers everything! But for sure, let your baby settle in with NO handling until after the first successful feeding.