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new corn owner from Iowa

Brandi K

New member
I love this forum!

I just bought a baby corn snake on Sunday. He was an impulse buy but something I have always wanted :)

So I am new to this and trying to soak up all the information I can. Thank you to everyone that has answered my questions.

A little about me: my name is Brandi and I live in Iowa
I am 34 and married, I have 4 kids-3 girls and a boy
and am now a proud owner of a baby corn :) Pretty excited about that! I really wish people would take the time to learn and understand them instead of freaking out.
I will teach my kids to be responsible snake owners-having a snake to me is like having a dog for someone else-you can love them just the same.
Several ways. If you want to upload straight from your computer to the forum, click the Go Advanced button below the dialog box. It will take you to a page with a lot more options to post. Scroll down a bit to Additional Options, mid way there, is the option to manage file attachments. Click on it, choose a file and upload. Files do need to be sized correctly, 800 by 600 if I remember right. Or you can use a picture hosting site like Photobucket to upload your pictures to. Once they are uploaded to a site like that, there are links to post them to other media. You want to copy the one with the IMG tags, then paste it in the dialog box here. I use Photobucket almost exclusively. Hope that was clear!