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New corn slow digestion? weak? help


New member
I apologise for the long explaination in advance lol.
I haven't posted on here for a while still been browseing though but now I have a problem, I have my own corn leila who is 9 months and never had a problem with her and feel like I have a bit more hands on experience that I know the answers to the silly paranoias I had to start with.
Anyhow my boyfriend has bought two baby corns one stripe amel and one reverse okeetee and unfortunatly on the first feed of the reverse okeetee he regurged (which I believe was because he handled him too soon after feed, but he said there wasn't a bump so could be wrong).
We followed the protocol and got him back to feeding although he seems thin and weak I've assume is from the lack of food, the first whole pinky he had after the protocol seemed to be digested fine but the pinky after that my boyfriend said he had the same size bump for 2/3 days and the last feed he refused.
So I took over I tryed to feed him too days later and he wasn't interested (he gets fed in a small tuppaware box) for some reason I decided because of his timidness to see if placing him in complete darkness would help, and minutes later lifted the towel and it worked, he was eating although it took him more than 10 minutes to eat it and I KNOW it wasn't too big I made sure of that since he has previously regurged and refused, either way he ate it saturday afternoon along with the amel (may I note their in exactly the same type of tank, exactly the same things in there, more than plenty of hides and toilet rolls lol and exactly the same correct temperatures. Today I came to look at him and his bump is barely any smaller than after I fed him yet the amel which has already shed and is noticably bigger had TWO pinkys and hasn't got a bump at all!?
See my concern? Sorry to rant but I thought as much detail as possible would help many replys would be so grateful I've been helped alot before, thanks Mary x
Oh and I forgot to add that I had put slits in the pinkys back hopeing it would make it easier to digest thus giving him a bit more strength.
He also took longer eating this digestion than he did the last one which was apparantly slightly bigger he seemed slow and feeble and swallowing it, any ideas?
my girl east one hopper and the thickness stays for about 2 days then she poops and she shrinks so if it poops and doesnt shrink take it to a vet
I apologise for the long explaination in advance lol.
I haven't posted on here for a while still been browseing though but now I have a problem, I have my own corn leila who is 9 months and never had a problem with her and feel like I have a bit more hands on experience that I know the answers to the silly paranoias I had to start with.
Anyhow my boyfriend has bought two baby corns one stripe amel and one reverse okeetee and unfortunatly on the first feed of the reverse okeetee he regurged (which I believe was because he handled him too soon after feed, but he said there wasn't a bump so could be wrong).
We followed the protocol and got him back to feeding although he seems thin and weak I've assume is from the lack of food, the first whole pinky he had after the protocol seemed to be digested fine but the pinky after that my boyfriend said he had the same size bump for 2/3 days and the last feed he refused.
So I took over I tryed to feed him too days later and he wasn't interested (he gets fed in a small tuppaware box) for some reason I decided because of his timidness to see if placing him in complete darkness would help, and minutes later lifted the towel and it worked, he was eating although it took him more than 10 minutes to eat it and I KNOW it wasn't too big I made sure of that since he has previously regurged and refused, either way he ate it saturday afternoon along with the amel (may I note their in exactly the same type of tank, exactly the same things in there, more than plenty of hides and toilet rolls lol and exactly the same correct temperatures. Today I came to look at him and his bump is barely any smaller than after I fed him yet the amel which has already shed and is noticably bigger had TWO pinkys and hasn't got a bump at all!?
See my concern? Sorry to rant but I thought as much detail as possible would help many replys would be so grateful I've been helped alot before, thanks Mary x

I guess my first thought might be, are the temps in your viv okay? I have one snake (from a petstore) regurged two or three times when I first got him, and is now huge compared to the others of the same age. He was really weird about eating at first. Everything had to be just so; darkness during feeding, quiet, small pinks, and very warmed at that. I also have another one, who happens to be my favorite (a snow) who would only ever eat (for the last 8 months) smaller mice if they were cut, brained and in the dark. She has finally moved up and on, but it took patience. Some of them do seem to digest at different rates, though I would still wonder about the temps.
Sorry I can't be more help. I'm sure others, with more experience will have other ideas for you. I wish you guys well.
I don't know if this will help your situation, but here it goes...

I have a 2006 Caramel Stripe that by far has the slowest digestive system I've seen. I've double-checked and triple-checked her viv temps and they are ideal. She has never :puke02:, but if she gets a "full" meal, she literally poops out a 1/2 digested mouse with her stools (can't be comfortable). So even now at almost two years old... she's 1/3 the size of my other 06's, and she's just now getting to two fuzzies as a meal, anything larger than that, I'm askin' for trouble.

Long-story-long... if you truely feel as if you've done everything to ensure its health and digestion, then maybe you have to go with very small meals from now on:(. Its life-long health is more important than its speedy growth.
day three and the bump STILL hasn't gone, I know the tank and temps are fine and the pinky was VERY small and managable yet he still has pretty much a full bump?