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New Corn Snake Owner and Member


New member

I've had my corn snake for about 24 hours now, having finally started back into the herp hobby for the first time since childhood, after being disabled in the line of duty and forced to retire from the military early due to my injuries.

Anyway, "Huey" was a gift, with setup, from my wife, who felt I could benefit from a pet, and she was right I really love the little guy (or gal?)! He (or she?) is an ultramel morph.

About five minutes after I placed him in his new habitat, he was drinking water from his dish. He spent most of last evening crawling around on me, with no sign of shyness or aggression. He's very sociable, alert, and seems very relaxed.

This morning, I offered him a pinky (he's still pretty small) with the tongs, and he gently took it, immediately, and swallowed it. He's been resting for today after eating. I seem to have his habitat heat just right.

So, my first corn snake seems to be pretty much trouble free, and very popular, even with the wife and kids. He's made such a positive impression that my wife is even thinking of getting her own now.

Aside from snakes I encountered in the military (including a fourteen foot python that dropped out of a tree right behind me), this is the first snake I've had contact with since childhood, when I drove my mother to distraction hauling home every snake I could catch.

I had no idea I'd enjoy a pet snake so much, but I'm very glad I've got him now that he's here!

Oubaas ;)
Welcome! It is great that your wife bought you such a thoughtful gift. Sounds like a great first day with the new snake! Get us a picture when you get a chance!
I also want to thank you for your service to our country and let you know that many people appreciate what you have done but will not have the chance to let you know so we hope you just know it !
Thanks for the warm welcome! I enjoyed my career in the military and appreciate the thanks for my service. I enjoyed serving, just didn't expect it to end early. Retirement took some adapting. But I pretty much covered the globe during the years I served, and had a lot of adventures.

Still enjoying Huey, though he seems to like to rest a long while after eating. I figure I'll leave him alone and let him decide when it's time to come out of his hide.

Oubaas ;)
Welcome! It's normal for the snake to hide away for a couple of days while its digesting, if you try picking it up before the meal is gone you'll risk a regurge, so the general consensus is leave for 48 hours or so after feeding
Huey is out and about again, sociable as ever, and there are photos of him down in the Photo Gallery forum (Thread author = Oubaas). I believe he's an ultramel, from matching pics on the Internet, but he might be amel, too, I'm thinking. So if you've got a minute, please have a look and let me know what you think. Regardless of what morph, Huey is a very charming snake. I couldn't be happier with a pet! Thanks!

Oubaas ;)