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New Critters!!


That's for sale???
After almost a year, my buddy and I were able to get our schedules together, the weather cooperated and finally my new BRB and Everglade's ratsnake are here! I was devastated when 2 years ago I lost my rainbow boa to acute enteritis......a sibling to this boy......Bob graciously offered me a replacement from his latest litters, picking out the finest looking one in the bunch. When I expressed an interest in his lovely Everglades rats...he offered one of those as well. He picked out the best of the bunch for me in those too! Meet Tang, the ratsnake and Flare, the Brazilian rainbow boa!



Thanks Tye! I can't wait to see how the Everglade's matures out. Once he settles in I'll sex him. My buddy didn't bother and I just fed so I don't want to mess with him right now.
I'll get better ones soon Nanci...some proper outdoor shots where the lighting is proper and I'm not using a flash. Both were seriously pissed at being shipped so I was already taking my life in my hands just getting these :)
That rat is very cute, and the contrast on that BRB is great. Congrats on the great pick-ups!
It is very cute...not so cute attitude...so typical ratsnake! Can't wait to see how it matures...