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New Extreme Okeetee Babies!!!


New member
So after becoming a member of cornsnakes.com back in 2006, I finally own a pair of Corn Snakes!

I took advantage of the free shipping sale Don from South Mountain Reptiles had and got a gender pair (non related) Extreme Okeetee Corn Snakes.

I am very happy with the snakes Don sent me :)

The boys name is Bill Compton and the girls name is Sookie Stackhouse
(True Blood)

Bill was born 07/15/12 and Sookie 07/07/12

Bill is nice but very shy; Sookie is a wild party girl who doesn’t like to be handled and not afraid to bite.

Both very cute both have nice color. Bill hides when I turn on the light, Sookie doesn’t mind the spotlight.

SoOoOo In less than 24 hours of having my snakes, I already had one escape x_x (Bill)

He climbed the thermostat probe cable and managed to escape. After an hour and a half of frantically looking for him, I finally found him in the mid section of my closet. He managed to somehow to crawl up my closet via a Comcast cable lol. So this time I did a better job of tucking the probe cable thru the corner opening of the tank cover and I added some 20lb dumbbells on top for extra security. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I checked were my tanks, both babies were there.

My tanks are very simple at the moment but will be upgrading soon.

I’m using the following
10 Gallon Glass Aquarium Tanks with Zilla Screen Covers
Hydrofarm Digital Thermostat from Amazon.com
Zoo Med Aspen Snake Bedding
Dog bowls that I use for water/hide
Reptile Cave

I plan on buying a hot glue gun after work and attaching the Thermostat probe to the bottom of the tank so it doesn’t move.

I ordered a laser thermometer gun from Amazon, should have it by Monday. I want to make sure the Thermostat is accurate. It says 85 degrees but the bottom of my tanks barely feel warm.

I feel 85 degrees should feel warmer but hey I could be wrong. I’ll test it out with the laser gun.

Here are some pics






Welcome, Carl?

Wow, to wait 6 years to get corns. Amazing. Looks like nice step ups. You might want to add some fake ivy or something to give them a few more hides and things to climb on. Remeber body temp is 98.6, so 85 won't feel really warm at all. Also, having two hides, one on the warm side and one on the cool side let the snake go where they want for what heat they need. Although the fake ivy, flowers, would provide the other hide.

Anyway, congrats again. And welcome to the fun of corn snakes.

Yes next paycheck I want to get more hides, fake ivy and a background.

At first I had the aspen pact and compressed. I then realized they like to crawl in it so I broke it up and made it "fluffy" so they can easily crawl through it.
They are both very beautiful corn snakes! having a snake escape is very stressful! I had the same thing happen a couple months back but I'm glad you found him so quickly!
Did your Zilla Screen Covers come with clips? If not, might we suggest purchasing a set of clips to attach the screen cover to the tank. A locking lid is essential with corn snakes and even with multiple heavy items placed on top of the enclosure you might still get escapes (speaking from experience) :) Nice new additions.

PS - tape works just as good as hot glue for attaching thermostat probes :)
If those are what go with your particular brand of screen lid then yes (we have not used the Zilla clips so not sure - ours are generic). Anything to prevent possible escapes (locking lid) is great. Most general aquariums (like used for fish) are not built for these lids so they will contain gaps when placed on top. We use ones similar to these but have a generic brand of screen lid http://www.pet-dog-cat-supply-store.com/shop/index.php?page=shop-flypage-38122

We use aquariums with locking lids (we have one built specifically for reptiles with a sliding lid with lock and one fish aquarium type with screen lid and clips) for our kingsnakes but all of our corn snakes are in locking lid Sterlite containers.
Hey check out this website lizardlandscapes.com step by step on making backgrounds hides waterfalls and all out of styroform when u get done its waterproof and hard as a rock i just got done makn a background with an elavated hide for my snake tank im building its really easy and fun lol
Don't use these!

Hi there, I too am a new corn snake owner and have the exact same tank and screen cover as you do. The tank came with basic clips, but I thought I would secure them better and bought the zilla ones in your link - and my snake escaped! When you screw these into the cover, the screw heads come between the tank and lid, creating a slight gap through which the snake can push his head and escape.
My little guy is still missing, but we are on his trail, and pretty sure he is in the kitchen somewhere. Last night we found trails in the flour we left on the floor, so tonight we are putting up a trap and will hopefully catch him soon....
Sookie is a wild party girl who doesn’t like to be handled and not afraid to bite.

This made me smile. I have a corn snake named Suki, pronounced Sookie, and she's the same. She was my second corn snake and I've had her for 6 years now. She's still as wild and feisty as the day I got her. I love her to bits!
Hi there, I too am a new corn snake owner and have the exact same tank and screen cover as you do. The tank came with basic clips, but I thought I would secure them better and bought the zilla ones in your link - and my snake escaped! When you screw these into the cover, the screw heads come between the tank and lid, creating a slight gap through which the snake can push his head and escape.
My little guy is still missing, but we are on his trail, and pretty sure he is in the kitchen somewhere. Last night we found trails in the flour we left on the floor, so tonight we are putting up a trap and will hopefully catch him soon....

Sorry to here about your snake. I've come to the conclusion that all screen clips suck. I've tried two different brands and they're both useless. Best thing you can do is buy a tank with a built it screen like an Exo Terra or Zilla Critter Cage. Once my corns reach a year old they are getting upgraded. Until then, I have my useless clips and my dumbbells on top of my screen cover.
The waterbowl provides a cool side hide which is fine until payday! :) I am sure they've already found their way under there. ;) They are a pair of cuties. And congrats on finding that escapee.....WOW! Way to go, and welcome!
Congrats on getting your first corns. I am still waiting on getting some corns. Having only recently gotten out of the military, I am on the active look out for some real hybrid beauties, but I'm leaning more towards some of the more extreme hybrids for my collection and not so much those that you can just barely tell have some alternate genes in them.
Congrats on getting your first corns. I am still waiting on getting some corns. Having only recently gotten out of the military, I am on the active look out for some real hybrid beauties, but I'm leaning more towards some of the more extreme hybrids for my collection and not so much those that you can just barely tell have some alternate genes in them.

Welcome back and Thanks for serving our Country!!!
Yes, Welcome back and thank you for your service to our Country. I am sure you'll find some unique beauties if you wait and watch! :) We don't have any hybrids but my Keys Corn (Rosy Rat) is not very common in captivity. He's a sweetie and I love him to death. Can't wait to see what you end up with! ;)