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New Feller

Justin Guyer

New member
Hey everybody. I should have signed up here a long time ago, I kind of regret not joining up here earlier.

A fella from Mississippi called me on the phone and convinced me to sign up. I don't know your user name so you're going to have to speak up! And also, thanks man.

I've seen a few friendly faces on here while browsing that I know from other sites, so hey guys..good to see you again!!

A little about me.....

Well, I've been breeding reptiles for a few years now and Corns are by far my favorite species to work with. I hatched a couple hundred of the little boogers this season of many different morphs and absolutely love working with them!

Besides Corns I also breed various Kings and Milks, Ball Pythons, and I have a clutch of Russian Tortoise eggs in the cooker right now.

I also love field herping but anymore I'm only good for one good trip early in the spring before breeding season kicks in full swing. I usually head down to Snake Road in Southern Illinois but this last spring I got on a plane and flew out to Washington to meet up with a buddy and look for Northern Pacific Rattlers. It turned out to be an epic trip!

That's about all I can really say except for I don't drink alchohol for the taste and I don't read Playboy for the articles. I'm pretty cut and dry on most things.

Anyhow, I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forward to being a part of the community and getting to know everyone here!
Welcome man I have seen a few of your corns and they are stunning!! That means you have to post a ton of pics:D
Welcome aboard!!! Glad to have you with us. As everyone else has said, we've seen some examples and more pics are in order!!! :p
I don't drink alcohol for the taste either.....
Otherwise I would go out on Saturday nights and drink pints of coffee... LOL
Nice to see you on here and I will be looking forward to hearing more of your exploits..
Hi Justin

We heard about you from David and the snake he has received from you.

You'll see the pictures, LOL

Lol....Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I've got tons of photos that I can post, although I see that some of mine have already been posted on this site that I wasn't aware of.

I'm pretty impressed and humbled by what I've seen from some of the breeders on here! You guys are producing some top notch stuff!! I'm really looking forward to getting to know people and comparing notes and hopefully we can all help each other improve.

I'll tell you what, I'll post some photos in a seperate thread in the photography section later on. Right now, I'm tired and need to head to bed soon....I work midnights and I'm getting pretty sleepy. But I'll see if I can't get some photos up here for you all either this evening or tommorow morning if that's cool.
Hi Justin!! You're famous here thanks to David. Those of us who hadn't heard of you by other means are now quite familiar with your name! I'd like to hear more about your cornsnake collection, as well as the others! Welcome!
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I've noticed that David has tossed my name around a bit. I was kind of surprised to see all of that to tell the truth. I'm not sure that I can live up to all of that hype. I'm just another guy into Corns like everyone else here.