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New/First Pair of Okeetee Hatelings


Hooked and Loving It
I got my first pair of corns yesterday at the Lone Star Expo in Arlington...though I forgot to get the breeders card..durr me...I got me a lovely pair of Okeetee (Normals) het Blizzard.

Right now I have them in a split 30 gallon, but plan on removing the split and seperating the two into seperate tanks. I have aspen bedding about 2 inches thick...thermometer probe center of the UTH under the substrate...multiple hides...water on cool side...

I mostly wanted to introduce myself to the forum, been browsing now for a few weeks and learned A TON of information...the do's and don'ts...will dive into actually posting once I have more stuff to post about =)

The breeder said the two I chose are more hatelings than hatchlings...boy do I love a challenge.

Will post pictures after they have had a chance to settle in....feeding time is Christmas Eve :)

Seagoville, TX
After weighing them, we went ahead and fed early...our female was 4 grams (she was hatched the beginning of August) and the male weighed 6 grams (hatched End of July)...I didn't even get the tongs fully over the container before they both took their food...with only having been with me a day....should they be okay? Both have since pooed...and are still hiding under the aspen....temps are at a pretty much steady 85...both ate small pinks....
I posted pics elsewhere, but I'm also going to post them here too. This is our girl Diva, who we noticed after taking these pictures is beginning to go blue :)


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Diva settled in nicely....Mojo (not pictured) is being a little stubborn....strikes when we change his water, tail rattles...and hisses....but he will come around just like she has...They were hatelings before we got them....I still really wish I could remember the name of the guy I got them from...I can draw a picture of the Expo layout...and point to exactly where he was in the room...but I cannot for the life of me, remember his name :(