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New furry additions ... well, mostly [DUW]


River Valley Reptiles
I added a few new rats to my feeder breeders. These guys are all beloved pets. Their offspring just aren't always so lucky...

First up is, incidentally, Lucky, who isn't actually new but I never posted anywhere. Though his name may be cliché, it is appropriate. The son of my first dumbo rats, Siegfried and Rue (posted on the previous thread), he was destined as a feeder. I offered him as a live, blind fuzzy to two snakes that were having feeding issues. He was refused by both. After five days of being away from his mom, he was still alive. I washed him and rolled him in the nest bedding, and Rue took him back. He thrived and I gave him a free pass, because he clearly just was not destined to be snake food. He's a hooded rex, and he's still a bit skittish because I don't handle him much, but he's quite sweet when he calms down.


And now the actual "new additions..."

The girls

Lavender, a blue hooded sweetie:

Rose, a short hair rex who would appear to be albino if it weren't for the spot on her nose:

Lavender and Rose with the third girl, a dumbo who I haven't named yet (I'm resisting another flower-themed name):

The boys

Not, a hooded black rat that my friend rescued from terrible conditions. He's not the largest rat I've ever seen, but he's the largest I've owned. He's old and always looks bug-eyed and scared, but he's actually incredibly sweet and tame.



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And last but certainly not least, by personal favorite, Darko the hairless, who absolutely will not sit still for the slightest moment (pardon the poo on his foot... and my worn fingernail polish...):


He is not happy unless he is hanging out with a person. He begs you to take him out and is genuinely upset whenever you put him back in his cage. He's a bona fide people-rat. This is his favorite place to be:


I tried to get a picture of him IN my hair, on my head, as he often is, but it turns out that's a really hard picture to capture on your own...

Aren't they cuuuute? :D
No one has them here either. She came from Michigan, I believe. I know a local breeder here that travels up there periodically. She also has a blue male that I might be taking once I get some more cages setup.