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New Gang!

JAG 32

look at that face :)
Well my parents caved in and let me get 1.3 to breed so i'll have pinkies when the eggs hatch. They are so cute and settling in nicely.
First up is the male, he is black and white -
Then the Brown and white female -
and then the butterscotch and white female -


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and the butterscotch female

Enjoy - john


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Thanks everyone! All they had were male "cow" mice otherwise i would have gotten a female.
No offence, but in some of the pictures you look like you have just gave birth to the mouse your holding :noevil: :roflmao: :roflmao:
No offence taken, it not me!!!! That would be my sister, so i'll laugh along with you.
LMAO she really could have closed her legs!

She wasn't too happy because i woke her up, i wasn't going to be picky

yea, i was going to say i like you nail polish! sister eh? how old?

Older than you, 17 with a boyfriend


  • winterformal06(12).JPG
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O John more animals in your house!!!!! They are awesome looking. :cheers: Anyways hows Rico and the eggs??
Tula_Montage said:
Cute as buttons, My two fawn mice have been at it all night *sigh*

Hope everything goes well with them :)

In case you didn't know, breeding two fawn/red mice produces much less babies, if any at all due to a lethal gene factor. The babies generally die in vitro :S So if they are true fawn/red you may not get what you hope for :S

Is there anyway you could post a pic and i could tell you for sure?
little_emmo said:
In case you didn't know, breeding two fawn/red mice produces much less babies, if any at all due to a lethal gene factor. The babies generally die in vitro :S So if they are true fawn/red you may not get what you hope for :S

Is there anyway you could post a pic and i could tell you for sure?

The are not completley fawn, each has an identicle white butt spot, which recently has travelled round to their bellies, making them look somewhat banded. Ill link you to a thread i made about them instead of hijacking someones elses with my pictures :p
