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New Hatchlings


New member
It's the sixtith day since my snake Andrea had the eggs and I woke up this morning to 2 of the 17 eggs having slits in them and having the snout of the snake poking out a little. However, it's now 6pm and there has only been a slight improvement on the slits openning more. How long should I leave these two hatchlings before I help them out of the shell? And how should I help them? How long should it normally take for the hatchlings to fully break through the shell? Any suggests or comments would be very helpful, thanks.
PS A short time ago I found another 1 of the eggs which more slits in.
Give them a little bit of time! It's scary leaving the security of the egg and having to face the big, bad world. :)

I think we had one or two this year that stayed in the egg almost 2 days after we noticed the slits. No big deal.

Good luck!
I thought I would just post a quick update. I woke up this morning to having 1 snake out of an egg and 5 eggs with scratched on with the snake poking there snouts out. I shall follow your advice and leave them for a little while and see how they go.
I shall try and get some pics asap I only have a picture of 1 so far and it's a little iffy :p. The female may have bred with two snakes, I'm not to good with the techniquical names of the colour of the corn snakes so I will try and get some pictures of them all on a thread.
I just have a few more questions:
What age do the hatchlings have to be before I let other people have them?
Apart from pinkies what else could I possibly feed to the babies? I haven't tried feeding them just yet as none of them have shed their skin. 6 are now out and 3 more are working on it.
You can let the babies go to new homes after you're sure they've digested their first meal.

We're trying to put three meals into our babies before letting them go. (Realistically, most will probably get 10+ meals before leaving us.)
The hatchlings will normally take around 24 to 48 hours to exit the shell after the first slit is made, this is the time when they absorb the last of the egg yolk that has been feeding them while they are in the egg.

Once they leave the egg, they will then take around a week or so before they shed their skins, I then leave mine for 3 or 4 days after the first shed, before offering them their first meal, as they are sometimes not hungry enough yet to take a feed, as they are still using up the remains of the yolk they absorbed before leaving the egg.

I usually allow mine to leave after 3 successful feeds, if going to someone who has experience keeping corns, or 6 to 8 feeds if it's a new owner :)

I've never fed anything except pinky newborn mice to my hatchlings.

Hope that helps some and good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I've managed to sort out the pictures:
Andrea the mother:



Chequers one of the possible fathers:


Stanley the other possible father:


Some of the babies:



Sorry for the really long post and the big pictures!!
I now have 10 hatchlings and no more to come. I have a few more questions if you don't mind helping me out again. All of them have shed their skin, and it's been 4 days. I tried them on food yesterday and 6 ate a pinkie each but the other 4 refused. I decided to try the other 4 again this evening on a pinkie and 1 of them ate but the other 3 refused after me trying my best to get them to fed. Is there anything i can do to try and encourage these 3 to eat? How long should I wait before getting too worried?
The other 6 seemed greedy and ending up eating another pinkie each again today, so it is 2 pinkies in 2 days. Is that usual and how often should they be eating?
I wouldn't feed them that close together... they may regurge from having too much in their stomachs and that would only complicate matters. Wait 4-5 days till you try feeding them again.

As for the non-feeders... try braining the pinky.
  1. Get something sharp.
  2. Poke it into the brain of the pinky.
  3. Smear the juices out around the head.
  4. Put it into the deli-cup with the non-feeder.
  5. Leave overnight.
If they don't eat that, you could try feeding live, tease feeding, force feeding, etc. Some breeders will tell you that they don't bother after some of the above steps... others will go on to the very end. Either way is justifiable, but sad.

Try the braining and then move on to feeding live and tease feeding. Hopefully, you won't have to go beyond that point.

Just don't feed them too close together. You don't want to deal with regurge issues too.

Good luck! Congrats on the hatchings!
Would you mind giving me a brief description of what is meant by the term tease feeding please? I'm not at that point yet but I would like to know what to do in advance