I'm all over it!
As posted in my introduction thread:
I would never dream of doing this under normal circumstances, but I've decided to change Rusty's name.
I had always considered the possibility that 'Rusty' would be a 'temporary' name to be used until something more fitting presented itself.
For the last few days the Mrs and I have been referring to our new guest as Scarface or 'Scar' for short due to the highly visible scar just on top of his/her head.
Scar was probably my first choice when I purchased the snake, but I didn't want to settle with it if the scar was going to vanish with the next shed.
Well, Scar shed today... And the scar is more pronounced than ever!
I'm sure a few of you will think I'm fickle to change the name of a living creature, but we've only owned him a week and it's taken this long for us to settle on the name we refer to him most by.
Just thought I'd share that here to avoid any confusion.