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New Rubbermaid tubs


New member

Anyone else familiar with this relatively new product? I've converted a couple into enclosures. So far so good. With minimal modifications I've secured the front open door. And they're stackable!
I love these! I have one that I had all set up for a GTP but that fell through. It ended up being a quarantine for a baby boa. Worked great!
Great for nocturnal geckos that require no additional heat or light! Our local Wally World has carried them for a couple of years.
Ventilation holes. A drop of silicone to a magnet affixed to the front right above the clear door. Another magnet glued to just about anything approx 1 inch high keeps the door from opening from the inside or outside until the magnets are pulled apart. The top is very secure. I got some heavy duty Velcro strips to attach a tap light to the inside of the lid.

The one in the pic is for a baby boa. I've used another for a leopard gecko. I stick my heat mats to ceramic tile and put the boxes on top of it.