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New Snake, but What is it?


New member
This was the darker morph Petsmart snake that I have talked about in the past. He/she had been moved to the back room because he/she had been there for so long. :(

After I put him/her away, he/she made himself/herself at home, and promptly defecated. Then I knocked over the water dish, a slight fiasco. I replaced the paper towels, and he/she was hiding for a while, but is now out exploring. Hopefully he/she will be more visible than Bijou!

Anywho, taking a stab in the dark, I would guess that he/she is some sort of Anery morph?

I took a few pictures before putting him/her away, maybe you guys will be able to tell me what I've got here.

Best "body" shot I could manage.

Back pattern.

Mostly clear belly, except for a few speckles here and there.

Another belly shot.

Side view.

Yellow throat/neck!

The yellow goes on for quite a ways down the body.


Little heart head pattern!

What would you guys guess, an '08?

Also, male and female name suggestions are very welcome! After he's/she's settled in I will try to determine the sex by popping, unless anyone advises against it.

Thanks for looking, and thanks in advance for your help!
Anery motley. Most likely a small 07 or very large 08 (weight? My largest 08 weighs about 140g, most are around 50-75g). That snake is way to big to pop, s/he will need to be probed.
Woo! :bowdown: I bow to the plethora of knowledgeable people on this site.

I need to get a scale, so I don't know the weight, but I will share the weight here when I find out.

And I will have to find a herp vet in my area to probe him/her, I wasn't sure how long you could use the popping method.

Thank you!
If it's a male, how about Timber? Or if it's a female, Bluebell? Don't ask, I named snakes Grammy, Grr, Strawberry Blush, and Copper Choo Choo.
If it's a male, how about Timber? Or if it's a female, Bluebell? Don't ask, I named snakes Grammy, Grr, Strawberry Blush, and Copper Choo Choo.

Hahaha! :roflmao: Well, at least you're original! Odd names, were the inspirations sort of spur of the moment things? Like things you saw when you were trying to come up with names?
What would you guys guess, an '08?

Also, male and female name suggestions are very welcome! After he's/she's settled in I will try to determine the sex by popping, unless anyone advises against it.

Thanks for looking, and thanks in advance for your help!

That snake is way too big to pop! Please have it probed, I'd hate to see it get hurt. Looks the size of my 08s. Also I would say a motley Anery. Lovely!
I've seen a breeder on youtube popping adult ball pythons.
so is he stupid? are balls differnt like that? is it all bull?
whats the dealio