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New snake owner...


New member
Been registered on here for a while, but finally got my corn snake on Sunday!

Its a one month old amel albino (or however you say it :)).

Its been fed 4 times by the breeder, 1 FP each week. It was last fed on the
14th. I tried feeding him yesterday but didnt want anything to do with it. When should I try again? Hes in a 10 gallon, with 2 hides on each side (cool and warm), plants and a branch (all fake). Water is provided and replaced every two days with bottled water and paper towel used as a substrate. I tried feeding him in a shoe box but maybe it was too big.

He finally pooped today, left it in quite a few spots! All small dots of it, but none the less :smash:

try again in another 6 to 7 days..When your feeding try to feed in a quiet dark area and leave the pinkie in with the snake for a while..It sometimes take my snake striker over an hour to finally eat the mouse..but he does eventually eat it :0)
You should not handle him or bother him at all until he feeds. Then feed him in a small container, with small holes, about the size of a margerine cup or slightly bigger. A sandwich box sized Gladware maybe. Feed in the evening. Get the pink REALLY hot- 101-103F. I'd put him in the container and if he doesn't take it immediately, then cover him up with a dish towel and check in 30 minutes. If he hasn't taken it by then, leave him alone, check in a couple hours. I'd try again on Saturday.
Nice acquisition! I would leave him be without handling for a minimum of 3 days before attempting to feed again. You could even wait a full week. When you do feed him, try cutting the pinky open to let the smells out. Sounds gross but this may help stimulate your snake. I usually insert a pair of scissors into the base of the skull and make a cut. Good luck and enjoy!
Thanks everyone!

Ill follow the advice and give him some time and try to feed again. The breeder told me this little guy has a crease on his side, possibly from being dehydrated and had the vet look at him and I guess checked out OK. He also said I may need to soak him?
He doesnt move around very much...was hoping he'd be energetic and explore all the plants and what not in there...he doenst even go in his hides!
I'm so sorry :( It's hard to lose one. Weird that he checked out with the vet and now's dead. Have you called the place that you got him from? Sounds like he wasn't healthy when you got him.
I dont think he was...he didnt move around much, he just layed around and kept to himself. He had a crease in him, and hes got a dark spot on his side about mid way down. Just sad to have something like him die in my care. :( I feel horrible....

Wierd question, but how do you guys bury/dispose of them? I cant just toss em in the garbage :(
I'm sorry he died, in the short time you had him doubt you did anything wrong.
If you get another corn, keep in mind these snakes are not active. Many people say they don't see their snake except for a few minutes at night. So if you are looking for a really active animal, corn snake isn't it, especially the little guys.
I would definitely get back in touch with the breeder, as it sound like he wasn't right from the beginning :(

I'm wondering if the breeder would agree to replacing him, as you didn't have him long :shrugs:

We wrap ours in tissue and place in a small cardboard box to bury in the garden, but you might want to hold off burying him until you've spoken to the breeder, you can keep him in the fridge until then.

Sorry you had such a bad start to keeping a corn snake, please don't let it put you off :)
That's very sad and disappointing to hear. I hope you don't let this get you down because it obviously wasn't your fault. There are MANY reputable breeders around that wouldn't disappoint you with your next corn.
that is so sad...

i just got one yesterday. a much bigger one. I wanted a more "sturdy" one. babies look so fragile and I would hate to do something wrong and kill one. Not that you did something wrong. He was propably sick.