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new snake pics + questions


New member
hey guys...i posted a while ago with some questions, just wanted to thank everybody for all the feedback! Took some pics of my little girl today. Her name is "No Feet"...which comes i guess with a cute little story. When i showed my 2 year old niece my new snake, and her mom asked her what it was, she said "Mama! that's no feet!"...and when i asked my sister what no feet was...it's a snake from the children's show little bear...so no feet it is!

But anyway...here's some pics of her. I took them with my camera phone, so not the best quality. And some questions with most of the pics, haha.

Just some head and body shots:


Belly and body color shots:




I took this pic to show her size, since i didn't have a ruler or tape measure. I just put one of the fish chemical testers next to her so you can see how long she is. Can anybody guess how old she might be? I forgot to ask the guy when i bought her at the expo.

I fed her today...and she happily ate 2 pinkies. Last time she inhaled two pinkies, so tonight i tried to give her 3...but she only ate the 2 and ignored the last one. In one of the pics...you can see the size of the pinkies compared to her...so i didn't think 3 would be too many...since they seem smaller then the girth of her body. Should i move onto a single fuzzy? I still have some pinkies left (like 6 or 7), so it'd still be a few weeks before i changed...but what do you guys think?

I also don't remember what morph she was. I think it was charcoal? What do you guys think?

But anyway...that's my new love...No Feet! Let me know what you guys think!

Smile for the camera...

No Feet is absolutely lovely! I knew I had heard the name before but I needed your reminder as to what children's show it was on. My youngest is now 7 and has outgrown Little Bear.

Moving No Feet up to fuzzies is a good idea. Even though a snake can easily handle multiple prey items, getting them to eat it is sometimes not that easy. I have a few myself that simply refuse to eat more than one mouse.

There's a good chance No Feet is a charcoal, if that is what the breeder said she was. She actually looks a bit lighter to me in those photos. If I had to guess, I would call her a ghost (anery + hypo), but she could also just be a very light anery or a very light charcoal. She could also be a phantom (charcoal + hypo), but she just doesn't have that look to me.
I would move her up to fuzzies. She appears to be ready...

I also agree that she is likely either a light charcoal or a ghost(anery a + hypo). Doesn't look like what I have seen for phantoms.

As for age...a "lucky guess" would put her at a late '06. She's too big to be a hatchling from an early '07 clutch, but not quite as large as my early '06, but that could be due to feeding schedules. My '06 is already taking hoppers, FWIW...
hey guys! thx so much for the comments and feed back :) I think i'm going to have to get another snake and feed them on an interval so that i always have at least 1 to handle...this 48 hour thing sucks! haha.

But definately going to take your advice. I have 7 pinkies left, so gonna finish feeding those in a few weeks...then move on up to fuzzies. *sniff sniff* my little girl's growing up so fast :') haha
chibs said:
hey guys! thx so much for the comments and feed back :) I think i'm going to have to get another snake and feed them on an interval so that i always have at least 1 to handle...this 48 hour thing sucks! haha.

But definately going to take your advice. I have 7 pinkies left, so gonna finish feeding those in a few weeks...then move on up to fuzzies. *sniff sniff* my little girl's growing up so fast :') haha
Stick with only 2 pinkies at a time for feeding until you move up. Most snakes can handle multiple prey items, but you don't want and digestive issues. If she is eating 2 without issue...stick with it, until you move up. That gives you 3 feedings and a "snack" before moving up to fuzzies...