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New to corns and snakes in general have a few q's


New member
This sat theres a expo in oklahoma i plan on buying a corn at. Me being new to the whole snake scene i kinda need to know what i should be looking out for when selecting my newest addition. I plan on getting the youngest possible cause i wana be there as it grows up etc etc.so far i have been told to be sure and handle it first to make sure it isnt aggresive and to make sure it has ahd more than one meal and when it is used to being fed. i really dont want my first experience at buying a snake to be a bad one so any help would be greatly appreaciated.( p.s. i have the basics down as far as husbandry and care just need to know what to look for when selecting. )
have been told to be sure and handle it first to make sure it isnt aggresive

Be warned that very young Corns are naturally flighty and not calm when you go to pick them up. Even the most confident hatchling might be frightened into striking at you (don't worry - doesn't hurt). They will get used to you and calm down over weeks/months.

But if you want a Corn that's easy to handle when you first buy it, I'd suggest going for a yearling that is already hand-tame.
I often see my books for sale at expos - often at below the retail price. It might be a good place to pick up a copy. It should help answer some questions you don't even know you have yet, lol!

If you don't see either of mine there, you might see the book by Don Soderberg. It will work too - pick up whichever you can get.

Good luck!
I was going to recomend the thread that was already linked to, as I'm the one who made it.
I find that everyone helped to make a good list of questions for me to ask about the snake and the breeder.
But of course as well you also want to inspect the physical condition of the snake, does it just plain look healthy? No dry scales? No kinks in the spine? Also if you can try to make sure it sounds like it is breathing ok and has no mucus :D
If anyone else has anything to add to that this would be awesome, as I'm still writing this all down for myself. :crazy02: