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New young corn mostly stay at top of cage


New member
So i got my first corn snake two weeks ago and after the first week where she burrowed throughout the cage most of the time she now spends most of the day on the edge of the top of the cage, either on the cold or hot side. Is this normal behavior or could this be a sign that she is unhappy with something in her cage? She has hides in the hot and cold side and a plant in the cold side. I just want to make sure she is happy. She also has eaten twice but not pooped...is that normal? Thank you for any feedback!
I don't know much about corn snakes right now, but these are the two first things that came to mind: She may be looking for a way to "escape" or she may be looking for some company.

Make sure that the hot side and cool side are the proper temps (85F warm end, low 70F cool end)
The temperature seems to be fine, i have a UTH, she moves in between the two sides of the tank so i dont think she is too hot or cold, maybe she just like it haha when i handle her she likes to climb a lot. I just want to be sure!
I am by no means an experienced corn snake owner so you may want to get a second opinion but to me it sounds like you have a happy, curious and active corn on your hands : )
Make sure you're measuring the temp on the floor surface with a digital or infra-red thermometer, as plastic dial and cardboard strip types are notoriously inaccurate. But yep, the young 'uns do like to jam themselves up near a likely escape route!
Make sure you're measuring the temp on the floor surface with a digital or infra-red thermometer, as plastic dial and cardboard strip types are notoriously inaccurate. But yep, the young 'uns do like to jam themselves up near a likely escape route!

Thank you! Do you happen to know about my other question? I have fed her twice but she hasn't pooped yet. Is that normal haha.
How often are you feeding her and how much at each feeding?

Unless she has a visible bulge down by her vent, she's unlikely to be constipated. She also might be coming up to a shed - some of them hold it in until the old skin comes off, then they produce a super-sized poop!
I feed her one pinkie every week, which is what i believe is right. If she is coming up to a shedding does that mean i should handle her less? Her eyes havent become milky yet.
Hatchling poop is very small, also. When I got my first snake, I hardly ever saw poop unless I went digging through the aspen. If they're being kept on paper towel or newspaper, it's much easier to spot the poop.
That would be the worst game ever. "Okay kids, time to clean the snake tank. Let's play 'spot the poop!' the one who finds it doesn't have to clean it up!"
Honestly, it's not too uncommon. Corns (and most snakes) like to wedge themselves into places, part of that security feeling. A lot of corns are also notorious climbers, so as soon as they start looking for a way to escape, and realize they can lay in a tight spot at the top some will take advantage of it. I remember reading one near escape story, because the owner wasn't expecting their snake to be there when they opened the screen lid.

Also, as we all know, young corns will spend most of their time hiding/hidden, so I wouldn't be too worried if they're up there most of the day/night. As long as it's still moving from warm to cold as necessary, I'd say enjoy having a climber!

I'm not an expert on snake poop, but depending on your substrate, how much of it you have, and the size of your snake... I'd wager there's a possibility it pooped but you haven't noticed because it's buried in a burrow somewhere. And then there's the option of holding it till after shed, which also happens sometimes.
Okay I will be cleaning her whole tank out next week and changing the aspen shavings so it will work out either way. Thank you for all the advice! :)
I'm no expert but I'd say if you see her active while she's doing that, then she's probably looking for an escape. Mine does that. And then again, sometimes they just go up there to wedge themselves and chill. Both mine and my friend's also do this. :)
I have 2 corns that have done that, always in a 10 gallon tank. I believe they are trying to escape, because that's what they do :). Be very sure your lid is secure. Bella stopped that as soon as I moved her into a 20L Zilla Critter Cage, because there is no place up there for her to hang out. Kiera is just a baby that I got on 3/12. She hangs out up there a lot.

Yes, baby corn snake poop is very small and probably buried in the aspen.

Of my 3 baby corns, 1 likes to hang on the lip of the top of his tank and wedge himself against the lid and the other likes sitting in her 'tree' at the top of her tank. I check my temps religiously and have good eaters so don't worry if everything looks correct temp wise etc. Some of these snakes spend their lives in trees. As people have stated, just make sure your tops are secure. Enjoy watching him climb and explore