It looks to be an Anerythristic Type A (or Anery A for short). I have one very similar to that. As they get older, they usually develop some yellow along the neck and going down the sides a little ways. I think they're beautiful morphs.
Where did you get yours? And how old is it?
on a serious not, please tell me, is that foil tape, if so, get it out of there before your tiny new friend get all stuck up in it, also, do you have the cable from the heat mat exiting through the door, if so, watch there is no gap or you will have an escapee...
sorry for the negativity but i am sure you dont want any accidents...
It seems to me that the foil and heat mat are outside of the viv, you can just very clearly see them through the glass. Am I seeing it right Gary?
Very nice anery you have there!
And welcome here btw
Welcome Gary! Does your lovely snake have a name?
ye ' my daughter has called her silvia