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Hello all, http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/images/smilies/wavey.gif
I'm from Arizona in a little town of Oracle. As a kid my brother's and I shared George a 5' gofer snake that we caught (over 40 years ago). Have always though snakes are cool.

I have 2 little corn snakes that I will be using in my Algebra 1 classroom. We are going to measure them and weigh them to see what the rate of growth is. I am moving them into different cages tomorrow. This move is after reading this site and other books.

My new friends are an albino and a normal both about 20 inches long and about 22g is weight. Will get pictures soon.;)

I forgot to say they have no names yet. My students are going to name them. Funny thing the kids rush to Algebra class to check if the snakes are hiding or if they can see them, Boys and Girls both.
Looks like a reverse okeetee with those thick white borders around the saddles. In any sense, very pretty snake. That's cool that you engage the kids like that with these guys.

Wonder what some of the freaked out parents will say on back to school night. My mom would have had a cow if that was in a classroom of mine, haha.
No freaked out parents

Did not bring them into the classroom till after parent's night. Warned parents that there would be a pet in the classroom and the students would NOT have to handle the pet to complete our year long project.:D
Wow, Chino is a beauty! I would've rushed to math class too if my teachers had had corn snakes as class pets!

The picture of Juan isn't showing up. :(
Thank you for the information.
In class we are using a string then measuring against the yardstick in the picture. It is amazing how many of the girls are wanting to hold Chino now. Juan is not eating so he has been left alone for a week.

No parent calls yet :):laugh01: