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Newbie from Saskatchewan, Canada


New member
Hello my Name is Dianna. I just got my first corn snake on Dec. 23 for Christmas/B-day present. I have wanted a snake for as long as i can remember, grew up catching garden snakes at my cottage, kept them for pets for a few days than let them go. Right now we have our Corn in a 3.5 gallon tank, with coconut husk substrate. I would like some advise on how to build his semi-perm. home. Not too sure how old he is, I do know that he has shed once so far. Marshall is an anerythristic corn snake.
Welcome to the board.. I am originally from Moose Jaw myself.. Welcome to the addiction, where one is definantly not enough...

Regards... Tim of T and J
Thanks! The funny part is, I have two pugs and they say the same thing about them one is never enough and we are looking to get a third. I would like to get an albino, they had on there but i fell for Marshall first.
Hi and Welcome, the people here are so very nice and so much help I have learned alot just from reading alot of the post.:crazy02::spinner::):dancer::dancer:
Hello and Welcome!

It's a great place to visit and learn. Congrats on the christmas and birthday gift... very cool gift :D


Nuttin worng with the falt, cept its freaking cold in the winter.. That is one thing I don't miss about the area.. The month of January.. Brrrrr..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
We are far enough south that it doesn't get that cold there only -15c, which is not too bad. Better than Winnipeg which is where we just moved from them and their -40. We live in the nice part of Sask. too lol it's rolling hills looks like Montana. Thanks Scott at least I am not alone here lol.
Sounds like you are close to Montuckey then.. *LOL* Quiet area.. I notice the temp change when I am about an 1/2 hour from the border.. I thought about relocating to the Montana area instead of Saskatchewan.. We shall see though..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Well it looks like we are getting another baby corn in the next week or so, and hubby is getting a gecko too lol. I can't wait to get my second one marshall won't be so lonely then.
Ummm.. Lonely? They are typically solitary animals.. I would not suggest co habbing two corns.. Of course I am going to catch flack from people that have a different opinion..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
lol ok well maybe he isn't lonely but, I would like another one. I was told that you could put multipules in a larger tank. We are getting a 45 gallon (long) tank for the two of them so they will have lots of space.
lol ok well maybe he isn't lonely but, I would like another one. I was told that you could put multipules in a larger tank. We are getting a 45 gallon (long) tank for the two of them so they will have lots of space.

The cool thing about 2 (or more!!) snakes is that if you stagger their feeding days, you won't be 'cornless' during the digesting rest period for any single snake.
I was told that you could put multipules in a larger tank. We are getting a 45 gallon (long) tank for the two of them so they will have lots of space.

I feel you were told wrong.. This is one of the debates that has gone on for quite some time. I would not risk it, and I am well over a 100 animals ... Not worth wasting my energy and efforts to have another animal likely stress out, stop eatting or get ate itself..

Do some searchs here on the site, about co habitating.. You will understand..

Here actually I did a little looking on the subject for you..





Not to be rude, and I hope you don't take me this way.. You certainly won't get any sympathy from myself do to co hab issues..

I am hoping as well to have you seriously look at couple of books that are must haves..


Click on the Books and Art Section here.... http://www.corn-utopia.com/

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Wow I didn't know that there were such arguments on this. Thank you for showing me this. As I stated I am NEW at this, I figured that the pet store owner wouldn't tell me something that was false since he breeds them himself, but he could be one of the ones that hasn't had any problems. I don't want to have any to happen to either of my corns (even though I only have one for now). If I put a glass divider in the tank should that be fine? I think it would look nicer but if that can cause problems then I won't do that either.
One other question Tim, we are looking at getting some ASF rats to breed as we are a 3hr round trip drive from the cloesest pet store, we were told that they are better than mice for breeding and smell less. Will my corns have problems with them?
I'm not sure what ASF is short for.. Heck, mice or rats both stink.. If I was you, I would look at buying frozen rodents.. Of course your not going to want them shipped from the US, as I am sure there is a frozen rodent producer in Canada... This way it cuts down on your smell, and well being an hour and half from a pet store does not make life easier eithier, and of course your overall cost ( rodent bedding, food and other supplies might be hard to get a hold of in populace parts of Saskatchewan.. Can't imagine rural )...

Please, stick around the site, there is a lot of great information to be had here, although you might need to wade through some gunk and junk here once in a while..

Regards... Tim of T and J
Marshal shed for the first time today since we got him. We showing him to my sis in-laws friend went to the pet store to pick up a pinkie for him bout an hour later went to go feed him and there was a perfectly intact shed. I was so impressed, i must be doing something right...lol. I am going to post some pictures of him today.