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Newest Additions


What goes here???
I just got these guys and gals in last night and thought they were such neat little critters...I figured I would post a pic and share their beauty...


Ain't they just adorable...

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wow those are definitely my favourite lizards, what the heck are they, i have never seen anything so cool
hediki said:
nice, its a crocodile skink right.

Yep, I forgot to put that little bit of info in my post...Ooops...


They are nice little lizards but their care can be alittle tricky...
very nice! I think they are wonderful lizards. and so unusual looking.
Have fun with them,
I've not seen 1 of those before :rolleyes: .

What an unusuall looking thing, but good looking with it, nice purchase.
Very nice find! All my lizards are finally starting to wake up from the winter. :cool: