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Newly owned by a corn snake in FL


New member
Hello there!
My name is Christina and I just bought my first corn snake (well, 1st snake at all!) and am absolutely in love :) I bought her from a friend of a friend who was a private breeder. He was getting rid of most of his snakes so I was lucky enough to get one. I bought "Lucy" (aka Mrs. Wiggleston from my fiance) who was one of his breeders. Ummm...as far as I now she is a snow corn. Sadly I do not know what her pattern is called, etc. Been trying to read up as much a s I can though :) She is still breedable but I think she enjoys the "pet" life. She was amazed at how big her tank was when she came here after never having anythign bigger than a really small breeding storage bin. She loves her new log and play things. lol. SHe loves to be held which is what i wanted! when you open the lid she'll come to say hia nd if you stretch your arm towards her she'll climb right up to a comfy spot.

Thanks for letting me rant on! lol. I'll include a pic of my lovely girl and maybe i'll post in one of the other sections to try to find out more about her...any suggestions which for her pattern, etc?

Thanks again!

This is my girl:

She's really pretty! There are a whole bunch of members in Florida. We get together for shows and Daytona and sometimes the Serpentarium in St. Cloud. We announce it in the General Chit Chat section a few weeks ahead of time.