I have a story similar to princess. A few years ago I took fancy to snakes. My dad and I both have fairly serious allergies and neither of us could have any 'furry' pets, inside OR outside the house.
I started doing a little research and found myself attracted to snakes the most, and came across this forum. By learning everything I possibly could about the species, (which is great, because there's almost absolutely nothing bad or negative about corn snakes) I was able to convince my father that we need a new pet.
In desperation (I'm sure he was terrified of snakes though he would not admit it) he became convinced that we needed an iguana. (Spelling? Sorry, I'm really tired.) With the help of my friends on this forum, and only looking at the negative aspects of iguanas, I talked him out of it.
A few years later, here I am, the proud owner of a non-red-eyed, already-"trained", normal-colored-(that won't blend into the carpet if he escapes), gentle-as-can-be corn living in an impossible-to-escape-from-cage.
The thing that frightens people the most is the unknown. Keep researching, bringing out the good things and mentioning them to your wife. Show her just how much you want one. Promise to buy a snake lacking the things she most fears. (With my dad--size and red eyes.)
Don't give up. I know just how you feel.
I do think that buying a lizard of some sort may help. Show her just how gentle and loveable reptiles can be, keep persuading and researching, and you're well on your way to your very own corn.
Did I talk too much again? :eek1: