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No Pets!


norbert and aelfric
i'm moving in a few weeks and my lease says "no pets." my room mate told me to keep the snakes on the down low, that they are "decorative pets" and the landlord is just concerned about animals that can cause damage or odors...cats, dogs, ferrets, etc...i don't want to get rid of my snakes, but i don't want to get in trouble. has anyone else run into this issue? i was thinking of telling the landlord and offering to put a separate deposit down of $30-40 for my animals. he's pretty chill about everything, but i'm not sure if he'll allow this. the landlord has to give 24 advance notice before entering the unit unless it's an emergency, that would give me time to take the snakes to a friends house in a smaller enclosure and store the viv's in the attic. what to do what to do? keep my mouth closed or be honest?
i don't really know what to tell you about your situation. But where i am there is a deposite for pets (cats and dogs) when we asked about the snakes...they said the fee was only for dogs and cats, excluding fish and snakes etc.

i dont know what the consequences would be if you told the truth. but, if they give you 24 hours notice before entering your apt, keep in mind you might not always be available to move your babies...(snakes)
You could ask if it's OK to keep an aquarium. That way you're not telling more than a little fib if you have a fish tank with no more water than a water bowl can hold in it!
princess said:
You could ask if it's OK to keep an aquarium. That way you're not telling more than a little fib if you have a fish tank with no more water than a water bowl can hold in it!

They have always asked what I kept in the aquarium.
I would tell your new landlord that you have snakes, and see what he says. it would be better to be upfront with him, than to hide it from him and then get in trouble at a later date. I lived in an appartment for a year. That is when I bought my snakes. The appartment complex had restrictions on pets saying that nothing over 20 lbs was allowed. And, there was a 400 dollar pet deposit, non refundable. So, I wasn't going to have a dog or cat. That is why I got snakes. However, one day, maintnance was working on my air conditioner, and found my snakes. told the front office about it, and I had a letter on my door about it. Went in and talked to the managers, about it, and instead of having to get rid of the snakes, I was able to keep them. And I didn't have to pay a deposit. All they told me was that I should have talked to them when I brough the snakes home so that they would be aware they were there. Turns out, the Maintnance guy was deathly afraid of snakes, and that is the only reason he told the office. But the manager wanted to talk about them because they didn't know they were there.
I think it really depends on how you feel about your landlord and how you feel about being sneaky. I have always had a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy when it comes to my personal space. Our last landlord didn't come right out and ask if we had pets, so we didn't share.
I like what princess said about mentioning the aquarium, since they are clear about pets. If they don't ask what you keep in it, don't tell. If they aren't snake lovers and say no way....then you have some bigger issues to deal with.
Good luck, and keep us posted.
It's best to be upfront with your landlord, of course, but if you were concerned you could call your landlord pretend to inquire about rental property. Ask what's required and ask in detail about pet rules. This way you can get the info you need without red flagging yourself. Otherwise, have a friend of family member call.

Bottom line: If the "no pets" rule doesn't specify the extent of the rule you could claim ignorance and save yourself from getting the boot. You'll just need to find a new home for your snakes or make other arrangements with your landlord.
I'm faced with the exact same problem. Since I know my landlords won't let me keep Annabelle even if I talked to them, I'm building a cabinet-type box to house her cage in that I can lock when I'm gone. Here's the thread about it:


It has ideas and projects from other members, too. If you have several snakes, you could turn an old cabinet into a rack system (as mentioned in the thread). Good luck!
i was in the same situation last year kinda. i would say dont ask him/her because once most people here snake there gonna think huge anaconda, strangling ect. and they will most times be ignorant to lear anything about it. so just keep it on the dl and if he/she finds out and lets u keep it then ur good. but when they have a no pet sign they normaly mean noisy animal animal like dogs cats, ect fast and furry. lol. but if u can keep a fish u should b able to keep a snake.
check your local laws.
I know here in canada unless it is a fully furnished partment it is ILLEGAL for a landlord to demand no pets, or even to demand a deposit.
I currently live in a "no pets" apartment, but just got a snake. My lease stated no pets unless special permission is given. So I told a little fib about why I was getting it (kinda saying it was already ordered) and they gave me permission but only for this last 3 months of my lease. Keep in mind if you are upfront with the landlord and he says no you are automatically giving yourself away. I liked the advice about calling and acting like you are interested in renting and asking about snakes. And as for the required 1 day notice before entering your apartment. Make sure that only applies to showing the apartment, etc. I know of some people who live where a similar law applies, but it doesn't apply to maintenence men doing work. Long story short the maintanence guy dropped by one day for something (unannounced, which was legal) and found several cats, a ferret, mice, and a boa. Needless to say they were in a bit of trouble!
this sunday i move into a no pets condo but i talked my way into it...she still doesnt specifically know what it is that i own but she agreed none-the-less

She asked what we had and we said "an aquarium" hubby does saltwater tropicals (u know, clownsfish and stuff) and she agreed to that so i piped up and said "so basically if its in an aquarium and has no hair then its allowed?" and she just laughed and agreed.now if she ever finds out and complains i can just say i really wanted a pet so i bought him and she said if it had no hair and was in an aquarium it was ok.

hehehe sneaky me