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Nomination for "Feeding Response of 2008"


Are we there yet?
After having this girl refuse last week, THIS surprised the heck outta me.


After laughing and snapping a picture, I just kinda put the tweezers down and let her do her stuff. :shrugs:
lol. Sometimes my girl gets the tweezers too and I have to push her off. Good thing nothing fazes her once she smells mouse.
She just didn't want to touch that "dirty" wet mouse with her nice clean coils!
Ha, that's a cool pic Jenni!

If she continues with that sort of response as she grows, you're going to have to get some looonger tweezers :grin01:
Looks like she wanted tweezers and everything else :)
lol. Sometimes my girl gets the tweezers too and I have to push her off. Good thing nothing fazes her once she smells mouse.

You're lucky. This one can't eat with any distractions.

She just didn't want to touch that "dirty" wet mouse with her nice clean coils!

Maybe this is the next step in snake evolution... using tools...

Ha, that's a cool pic Jenni!

If she continues with that sort of response as she grows, you're going to have to get some looonger tweezers :grin01:

No kidding! Do they even make two-foot long tweezers?

Thanks to EVERYONE for the comments.
Yes, they do make two-foot long tweezers, I've got a pair that my Son had for his Python and they're really good for feeding my 4ft 6" male :grin01: He's got a great feeding response too!
You weren't holding them very steady... she's helping! Plus, it gave her a much better angle to check your offering out :)