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Normal or ultramel?


New member
I've ordered a few ultramel from a seller in the past month but what I opened are difference from ultramel picture. I'm so lost. The seller insist is ultramel but I have doubt. Could anyone please help me? Snake 1 looks like normal 2 me(normal belly), snake 2 I would assume is some sort of hypo? S
Please help.


  • snake1.jpg
    127 KB · Views: 69
  • snake 2.jpg
    snake 2.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 69
  • snake 2a.jpg
    snake 2a.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 69
Oops first pic is a normal, thought the other two pics were taken with a flash or something till I read the rest of the post lol. What color are the eyes? Ultramels have wine or ruby colored eyes sometimes darker. Ultramels vary in color even in the same clutch. Can range from hypo looking dark reds to super bright red.
The first one is definitely a normal.
The second and third picture do look like they could be an ultramel, but it's a bit hard to tell from the pictures.
First pic is a normal, and could be an Okeetee or be from Okeetee lines...The second one, like the other posters have said could be an ultramel. :)
Looks like you really need to contact the seller. The first one is definitely a normal and the second one might be an ultramel, but only breeding trials will tell for sure.
Maybe the Normal is het Ultramel?

I don't know enought about Ultramels to be 100% but I agree the first looks normal and the second one might be Ultramel.