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Northern Wisconsin: Critters and Kids


New member
If it wasn't for summers at my dads house as a kid I would never have been able to see beauty in our slither friends and that's something I'm trying to pass on to my my nieces and nephews!

I love to take my nephew up north when ever we can. He loves to find animals (mostly toads) and help me do stuff outside and some how in the span of a 3 hour period a cute gardner snake climbed into our wheel barrel to take snooze in the sun! This was also his first time holding a snake!

2 weeks later and we came back up and happened upon a red belly snake that was hanging out under sone old wood. I just love how docile these cute little guys are!

Then to finish the weekend off we also found a small painted turtle by the road right near the house.

I hope you all enjoyed my pictures and don't be afraid to post pics of the kids in your life finding the same joy in critters as we do!

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