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Not a great shed


New member
My snake is going through a shed for the first time since I've gotten her, and it doesn't seem to be going as well as I would hope. She didn't lose it all in one peice, and after two days still has some of the old skin on her. What can I do to help her? Also her skin still looks baggy, not really baggy, but a little loose for her. How long does that last?

Try soaking a towel, and whilst holding the towel let the snake crawl through your hands, for about 10 mins. this should soften the skin enough to gently peel the skin off, a bit like taking a sok off. If this fails you could try soaking a flannel and placing into a container. Place your snake into the container for 15-20mins. To help prevent this happening again you could try misting your snake when in blue.

we have a hard time keeping the humidity above 60, so we mist the glass daily, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I worry about misting too frequently because we actually live in a very "wet" place, so I worry about bacteria growing. we keep her "house" very clean. we clean it daily and replace her substrate as needed (this weekend in fact!).
ok, so i'm holding her just like you told me to, and ir seems to really be helping, at first she didn't seem to like it, but I think she's rather enjoying herself, she is really rubbing against it
Good to hear.

You may consider using a humid hide in the future. It is simple to make. Just take a container. I use Gladware plastic containers. Cut a hole in the side big enough for your snake. Then take something like paper towels or sphagum moss and soak it in water then wring it out. You need it to be damp not dripping wet. Put it in the container and put the lid on.

My snakes love them and have great sheds. As a point of reference, the humidity in my vivs stay around 40%.

Here is a pic to give you an idea what they look like.

ok...we are on day 4 of this shed, we're having snake spa day #2. It's coming off, but in really small pieces. Is there something we are doing wrong with her that is causing this?
Thank you so much for the link to that post. That idea has been most helpful! She's in her little "spa" right now and rubbing all over the place! :eek:)
I don't wish to sound rude but I'm sure this question has been answered many times before, and a quick use of the search function could answer a lot of questions.

Rich In KY has given you the best advice.

I wasn't getting at you... your a lot older than me (don't mean for that to sound rude), I was just suggesting that you use the search.

Theres not much of a chance of this..but are you from Washington U.K

...or D.C.?
I wasn't getting at you... your a lot older than me (don't mean for that to sound rude), I was just suggesting that you use the search.

Theres not much of a chance of this..but are you from Washington U.K

...or D.C.?

Thats not that far from me I live in Marske just out side Redcar

When i first joined the site I was a little confused with the search functon, im getting used to it now. :)
yeah Im starting to get it down! :) These forums make me want to go home and get her out! I want more!!! :p I think we are going to have some TV time tonight...maybe we'll watch Anaconda or something like that...I bet she'd like it...give her something to aspire to! :p
yes!!!! I finally got the last little bit! We both feel so much better! And next time we know what to do to make sure this doesn't happen! Thank you all so much for all your help!:dancer: