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Not Buying or selling, but I have a ?


New member
Someone i know is trying to get rid of their 2 yr old cali king snake. 2 Yrs old, good eater and full shedder.

He wants $50 for it though. I know price is one of them things to be determined by the buyer, but on average is that a good price?

I know its not a corn snake question, but its the next best thing right?
No, it's not the next best thing. This belongs in general chit-chat, if it belongs anywhere.

This looks like an ad disguised as a question. There are better ways of determining price than offering this snake here.
no, not at all but thanks for the ASSumption.

A girl I work with has a son, her son has a snake that he can not take where he's moving to and she knew I raised snakes and offered it to me.

Ok, but since this is not a cornsnake question it should have been posted in general chitchat and not in misc. cornsnake discussion.

To answer your question - $50 seems reasonable for a 2yr. cali king. In fact in my opinion it actually seems kind of low.
everyone assumes they know somethin here.

I come here here n there just to view pics n if i have any issues with the 3 corns i have.

I just figured itd be the quickest way to get an opinion, instead i found out its the quickest way to get flack.
Dean was right in that this belongs in the General Chit-Chat. And it did seem somewhat like an ad, but you said it's not. So it's all good then. No need for anyone to get all uppity. :)

There are various reptile classifieds around ( www.faunaclassifieds.com comes to mind) where you can find market prices of many different snakes. That is where I go to see how I should be pricing some of my animals. And in my opinion, $50 for a 2 year old Cal King seems like a very good price.

Now everyone take a breath :)
i didnt mean to at all, just figured it would've been easier my question being answered in the first post n not the 2nd after the gripe.
But thank you for your response and time, I let her know today Id take it saturday when I get my new tank.
I bought an adult male for $45, but his white bands are kind of "muddy". I mostly bought him b/c I really liked his personality. I may or may not breed him.
Well as I see it this is a CORNSNAKE discussion forum. Dean, who has the best reputation on these forums, was just trying to let you know the proper way to post questions like yours and direct you to the right forum. If you had taken the time, like most others here, to read the "STICKY" in the New member Introductions Forum about the rules that are set in place you might have known to post your question where it belongs. Then it wouldn't have mattered how you worded your post. Here is the link to the rules of this site... "User Guide and Tips for New Members" I suggest you read them. As for your reply, I feel it was quite uncalled for and rude. There are rules about profanity as well as there are children that post here about their Cornsnake/s and would do well not to be part of a post like yours.
Palidrafod said:
no, not at all but thanks for the ASSumption.
So if you don't like the "Flack", as you call it, take the time like the rest of us have and follow the rules of the forum. There is no excuse for ignorance, people need to educate one another.
Palidrafod said:
everyone assumes they know somethin here.I come here here n there just to view pics n if i have any issues with the 3 corns i have.
I just figured itd be the quickest way to get an opinion, instead i found out its the quickest way to get flack.
While your reading the rules of the forum you will notice that spelling, grammer and punctuation are a plus. Use the spell check button before you post it. NOW THATS FLACK!!! :grin01: