Hey this is OCSnakemans roomate. My female baby bloodred is having some issues and I'm starting to get worried. A couple of weeks ago she regurged, since then I have followed the advice of people to wait a few days then to just feed her the heads of pinkies. I fed her 2 pinkie heads 4 days apart and she kept them down. So today I tried to feed her a full pink, I tried the smallest one I could find. She wouldn't eat it, she didn't even seem interested. I am getting concerned because she is getting real thin. I'll try to get a pic on tommorrow (my camara is dead). Any advice on how to get her to start eating whole meals again? She is still plenty active when I get her out, but I'm starting to worry. I also noticed a blue mark on her underside that I didn't notice before, is that just due to the almost irredecent nature of bloodreds underbellies? I hope nothing is wrong with her. Please help.