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Not eating....lost alot of weight


New member
My Creamcicle, that was Supposed to be Male, started laying eggs. (I knew they were Mating. The eggs just came out of wrong one!:rolleyes: ) Anyway, the eggs were NO GOOD. But the LAST one was "stuck". After 2 trips to the vet, it was Finnaly out, YIPPIE! But, now its been a good 3-4 months since she's eaten. She's Used to be my Biggest one, now she's one of the smaller ones, because of the weight loss. I've offered her her normal size rats, smaller ones....she doesn't even care. Please help, i'm very worried. She was my 1st corn, my favorite, my BABY! (her name is CRUSH)
try offering smaller mice.
She should be regaining strength very soon. Ofter her a real small food item every 4-5 days. Then slowly increase the size of the food item again. It is very normal for a female to lose weight after her egg production. Don't worry THAT much yet. Let for rest for a few days and then offer her food again.
She might be way too tired after laying her eggs. She should eventully eat again.

Good luck and Happy Herping!
Yeah, thats what i thought. When should i start really worring? She started the egg laying in late November!! Got the last egg out in late January!:( As it is I now have "pet rats". :D Nasty, stinky things! I'm not wanting to throw off feeding times, ya know?
When was the last time she ate in relation to when she laid the eggs? If you just got done with these vet trips and them bothering with her, then she is probably very, very stressed. Just the normal laying without complications is very stressful on a snake. Give it a rest. Constantly harassing her with food isn't helping. Give her a few days to rest and if she either regurgitates it or refuses, let her rest a few more days. She does need to get food in her soon though. So, keep trying and let us know. There are other methods for problem feeders that we could inform you of. Good luck!
We posted at the same time. I see the dates now. That's an awful long time.Are you freezing or killing the rats? Live prey should never be fed to a cornsnake, especially one that may not want to eat right away.

Try a mouse and if she refuses, try either squeezing some blood out of the nose of it and/or scenting it with an anole/lizard.
Not Eating


Sorry to hear about Crush.

Try a dead fuzzy or hopper mouse to get her interested again. I know they are small for an adult corn, but you have to get her back to eating something, if it's been 3 to 4 months. An adult rat is too big.

If she refuses to eat a fuzzy mouse, or a hopper, then you're going to have to take her and literally Push the small morsel down her throat. I would be willing to bet that once the head is in her throat, she'll swallow the rest on her own. If you cannot do this, then you'll have to take her back to the vet's and let the Doc show you how to force feed her.

I lost one corn by not doing something when I should have. Then another stopped eating for some reason. After a few weeks, I sprang into action and got mad enough to push a pinkie (Live) down his lazy throat. He's eating now with no problem. I kept him on small prey for about three feeding times after that and worked him slowly back to a normal size portion.

There's a whole list of reasons why a snake will quit eating, but, if you have been through that list and have eliminated the most obvious, e.g., shedding, brumation, and so forth, then it's time to act.

Good luck.

Just curious: What do they have in the water where you are? :eek1:

Welcome anyways and hello there coeywong.

BTW, are you aware you're posting to a thread that's almost 15 years old? It's OK. Just sayin'.

Well, Axis the given location is webside.

Welcome coeywong88. You might consider giving a real location and introducing yourself in the convenient New Member Introductions section! I'm betting you were searching the web for an answer to something and landed here. Generally resurrecting old threads for no real reason is considered counter productive. I'm only answering you here because you'll get an email alerting you to it.
Well, Axis the given location is webside.

. . . .

Is that anywhere near Sunnyside (as in Sunnyside, Queens)? :rofl:


Unless coeywong actually turns out to be one of those "bots!" But I'm almost certain there are mechanisms ensuring that you have to be a live person to register for use of this site. Don't really remember (too many file cabinets located in the "long-term" section of my brain have been compromised because of attempts at Better Living Through Chemistry while I was a young'un!), but if you ARE out there, might help if you gave us a "Hello!" or some other response which would confirm your membership as a fellow homo sapien?

Hope you ARE a person, as I just LOVE IT when new members pop up to introduce themselves! (Don't really know why, I just LOVE greeting folks!! HELLO there EVERYONE!!)


(did I forget to take my behavioral meds this morning? :confused: lemm think! :uhoh: Ummm, MAYBE!! :eek1:) :crazy02:
