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Not hiding for days


Access Systems Technician
Hey everyone! Peaches has had her occasional sleep out in the open either in her tree or along the back wall. Last week i moved her into a larger display viv and she has taken to it quite well, so it seems. For the last four days she has curled up in the corner and just stayed there, and she is blue, so im rather perplexed. I'm wondering what brought this on...

In the past she has stayed in her hide for days on end whilst blue, but never in the open in the same spot. Is it possible she is still getting used to her new pad? Or maybe she's feeling under the weather? Have any of you seen the same thing with your kids?
Are your temps too warm maybe where her hide is and do you have more than one hide? I would double check your temp and throw another hide or two in.
I agree with Danielle. Check your temps to ensure the snake is comfortable. If that's not the problem, then it's a good possibility the snake is still getting adjusted to the new digs. More than one hide in the same viv is always a good idea, too.
Try putting in a bunch of homemade hides around the new tank, and see which ones she chooses. If she still likes the corner, then make sure your temperatures are correct (80-85 F warm side, 70-75 cool side).
Some snakes are just weird. My hatchling has 3 hides, good temperatures and yet she still chooses to sleep perched up on her little jungle gym. As long as the temps are good, the snakes will do whatever makes them feel comfortable.
I moved the contents of her old viv into the new one, along with a few extras, and have always been bang on with temps and hides... I have just heard of snakes showing un-routine behaviour when they are sick. I'm sure she will be fine, just thought i would throw it out there to the experts. Thanks for the replies :)
Well now I'm starting to think that this has become a health issue, for i took peaches out this morning and her throat area was quite swollen :( I have read that being in shed can cause a swollen throat, but i haven't seen such a reaction before in any of my animals. I have seen some throat puffing behavior when they are startled or agitated, but nothing that wouldn't subside within a few moments. Im unable to post pictures, but for a size reference, she is around 260g and the lump would be about the diameter of a dime. I'm hoping she will be okay, i will try and get some photos up within a day or so.
Well now I'm starting to think that this has become a health issue, for i took peaches out this morning and her throat area was quite swollen :( I have read that being in shed can cause a swollen throat, but i haven't seen such a reaction before in any of my animals. I have seen some throat puffing behavior when they are startled or agitated, but nothing that wouldn't subside within a few moments. Im unable to post pictures, but for a size reference, she is around 260g and the lump would be about the diameter of a dime. I'm hoping she will be okay, i will try and get some photos up within a day or so.

Could be the beginning of a URI. I would put her back in her old set up, if it's still available and get the temps up. Maybe the new viv needs a little work!

Thank you for the suggestion, but I don't see how the stress of another move would help right now. The husbandry hasn't changed, just the location, which was home to sniper for nearly a year (Thoroughly sanitized, don't worry!). I don't have the luxury of a reptile vet within a few hundred miles, so I think I'll wait until she sheds and re-assess her situation at that point. A 3 hour trip to the vet may be a lot of stress if it's unneeded, not to mention time consuming and costly.
I have read that being in shed can cause a swollen throat
Where did you read this?
I've never heard of such a thing and that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense?
There could be something in the new viv that is causing the RI. Moving her to the old viv, that she's already comfortable with may be better, but a visit to the vet would be best if she isn't better soon.
I called my breeder and he mentioned it to me, and after searching the site i found this.


A few mentions in there. Not saying it's fact, just that i had read it :)

When my adult breeder developed a URI, while in brumation. The thing that tipped me off to this was the swollen throat area. I am not saying for sure that he has a URI but I know that it is a symptom.

You can wait till she sheds and see if her behavior changes. In the mean time, I would try to get his temps up in the new viv. I know you don't feel comfortable moving him to his old, but I think you have to try do something.

Good Luck

When my adult breeder developed a URI, while in brumation. The thing that tipped me off to this was the swollen throat area. I am not saying for sure that he has a URI but I know that it is a symptom.
Of course that would make sense, It was the shed= swollen throat, that has me a little baffled.
Of course that would make sense, It was the shed= swollen throat, that has me a little baffled.

I have a plethora of snakes in my collection. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but I haven't noticed swelling in the neck, during shedding. So this is the first for me.

medusacoils said:
I am not saying for sure that he has a URI but I know that it is a symptom.
When I wrote this, I should have done a better job. When I say "he", I meant the original posters snake. Just clarifying and correcting my improper grammar! Sorry!

She is sleeping under her cool side hide, hopefully she emerges a little less puffy :) I think i will let it ride until she sheds to see if anything changes and just let her rest.

The thing with moving her back to her old enclosure, is that she used to be in a 30 breeder, and sniper was in a 60 tall. Sniper would hide 22/7 and peaches would be climbing anything she could find all day, so i swapped their houses and added extra climbing equipment for her. Changing everything back would mean sterilizing each cage again and possibly contaminating my boy if it happens to be a contagious bug of sorts.

And i still can't find the right drivers for my sd card reader after i installed vista SP1...... @$#!..... So no pictures ATM.
Pm sent.

And As for peaches, I took her out last night to give her a small meal since she hadn't eaten in two weeks. The swelling didn't seem as bad as it was when i initially noticed it, and she ate with no problem, so I'm hoping its a minor issue :) I'll let everyone know how she is after her shed, and if i can rectify my computer issues I will share some photos, since it has been months since I've posted any.