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Not sure if she regurged


New member
She ate her fuzzy mouse and pooped fine last feeding. I fed her last wednesday and she shed(perfectly) the day after. I didn't disturb her until about 70 hours after feeding. The temperature on the warm side(under the tank heater + thermostat) is set to 80 degrees. The cool side is 73-75. She has 2 hiding spots, one on each side, and her tank is up on my dresser so nobody can disturb her. Her food was dry and room temperature when I fed her. I cleaned out her cage and disinfected it 2 and a half weeks ago.

Last night I found this bad smelling thing in her cage. It wasnt stringy like her last poop. It was maybe about the size of the fuzzy head? Which was weird. The last time she regurged it still looked like a mouse and it was 2 days after feeding. This one was 6 days after feeding. I put it in water and sure enough, it didn't dissolve or break down.

I honestly don't know why she would regurge 6 days after being fed. Just last night I saw her laying in her hiding spot on the warm side.

Any ideas what might be wrong? The "poop/regurge" was not stringy. Could it just have been an unhealthy poop?

Here's a pic. It's barely the size of my fingernail.
Six days sounds like a long time for it to be a regurge... it resembles poop to me, but I have not seen a regurge besides photos on here.
If youd'd like you can go ahead with the regurge protocol to be safe! I would think if it was indeed a regurge it may have been due to the shed.
You may also want to bump that hot spot heat to about 85F; just keeping in mind that corns need minimal 75F to digest food.

It could be that due to the shed s/he did not poop the last time, and this is kind of doubled-up. Did it smell like snake poop, or something else? Reptile feces have a very distinct smell I find.
Doesn't look like a regurge to me.
The best way to know would be to poke it apart with a toothpick, pretty gross, but if you don't find a mouse, then it's not a regurge ;)

Though, you've probably thrown it away by now...
I dunno, here's a regurge (pinky), snake ate on Monday while in shed apparently, regurged last night. If you don't catch the regurge right away I don't see why it wouldn't turn black like that. I would do the regurge protocol just in case.
