~~~~~~~:~ Newbies Rule?
I got to go to the New York show, (you know, I had to get more mice and pinkies..... ) It's the first time that I was really impressed with the selection, not just corn snakes but all kinds of stuff. I came away with a little understanding about the names of the morphs, for one thing they had Jungle Corns???? and Spooky Corns (what????) But with all the hundreds of corns there and the range of colors given under the same name I think I have come to realize that a rose is a rose is a corn snake. I was getting hung up and what really are my babies, is it what they look like or is it what their parents looked like or is it what their parents were called and who decided all of this in the first place. My Merlin was called a Miami Phase, he really looks like a normal (I think) he has zero silver/grey on him brown and orange with a little black, he looks more like my hypo and really LIKE my friends normal that he got for $10. I love him he made 19 babies this past year two were hypos (I think again) but red or crismon in color, no black. I kept one, she is a P-I-G, as she is almost as big as my 02s. BUT I really wanted a Miami Phase that is GREY and ORANGE! any how, I came home with a creamcile (how do you spell creamcycle??) I figure she'll go nicely with my "BubbleGum Snow" god, as long as we don't eat them!
So, nice show in NY, I had fun only came home with one snake.....did you really think I just went to pick up mice, hey she's little, she can hide under the bed for a few months......Sam ~~~~~~:~
So, nice show in NY, I had fun only came home with one snake.....did you really think I just went to pick up mice, hey she's little, she can hide under the bed for a few months......Sam ~~~~~~:~