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New member
Has anyone on here got an Ocd of some sort?

Mine is washing my hands when i know i have got to look after my pets.

When i change the water on my Rabbits and Miami Cornsake it is a nightmare i just keep washing them over and over again saying to myself they are still dirty and if you don't keep washing them you will give your pets dirty water :cry:

Don't help that i work in a chemical plant so i am more careful than the average person anyway because of the chemicals and stuff at work.
ssssnake_lover said:
Has anyone on here got an Ocd of some sort?

Mine is washing my hands when i know i have got to look after my pets.

When i change the water on my Rabbits and Miami Cornsake it is a nightmare i just keep washing them over and over again saying to myself they are still dirty and if you don't keep washing them you will give your pets dirty water :cry:
I used too, but now I use the hand sanitizer that doesn't need water. One squirt, rub hands together, done...
Checking Lids!!!! Over and over again.

One of my daughters flipped a lid when she was getting a snake out of the enclosure that is next to this particular snakes cage. He got out. Since then, I've been obsessed.

Oh - checking critter auction and member forums for available "for sale" snakes. obsessed!!!!

I have OCD. OCD is not true OCD with just one or two obsessions, ie you clean the floor too much or something. OCD is characterised not only by obsessions, but also by intrusive and highly disturbing thoughts which the sufferer can't control. The obsessions take place because the one acting them out uses them as a means to try and silence the unpleaseant thoughts. People with OCD can also have counting rituals, and touching rituals. In OCD the life of the person is affected on a daily basis and to a certain level of extremity.

Sorry to sound like I'm quoting a textbook... lol... but I don't think just washing your hands a lot is a mental disorder. I'm not saying you don't have OCD and I apologise if I sound rude or disrespectful... I'm just trying to educate, that's all. I think a better subject would have been "do you have any obsessions?"

Meh... not sure what I'm trying to say here... I'm tired. Sorry to ramble. :)
Yep, I have a mild type of OCD. Just crazy stuff I won't bore you all with but....yes, Plissken is right.
I know what you mean Plissken and i have loads and loads i was just quoting that one because it envolves pets ie my gorgeous Miami Cornsnake.

But you are right maybe "What's your obsessions" would have been a better title:)
Yes, Plissken is right.
I have mild OCD too.
My father has it really badly, it's one of the reasons he's on disability.
I'm not sure if it's OCD, but I have this thing where if I lock a door I always feel a compulsion to double check it. I am not paranoid about people breaking in, but when I leave the house, I sometimes start my car and then go back to see if it's locked, I've even driven half a block and come back to check it. Same with the phone, I am always checking if it's off the hook or if the internet is still logged on (since I have dial up). Luckily I don't get the hand washing or germ compulsions at least.
I didn't even know what it was until I saw that movie "as good as it gets" with Jack Nicholson but I think these are some OCD like behaviors.
I can't remember the age this spanned exactly, I'd say this lasted until I was about 8 or so I used to do really odd "undoing" with my walking. What I mean by undoing is when I would take two steps forward I'd then take two steps backward. Go to the left then go to the right. Obviously it wasn't enough of a problem that I couldn't get anywhere though...
I used to make sure I did things in even numbers as well.
I doubt I had a full fledged problem, I've learned that kids are pretty prone to OCD and usually grow out of it. I did.
Oh. I rememberd one more thing... I would turn a full circle and then immediatly swirl back in the other dirrection. :bang:
GiantBlueberry said:
Oh. I rememberd one more thing... I would turn a full circle and then immediatly swirl back in the other dirrection. :bang:

now i still do that........driving, walking, running or whatever........if i happen to make a complete circle, my next thing to do will be find a way to turn the opposite direction without anyone else noticing and thinking i'm a freak. :cool:
I have OCD and am on medication for it. My symptoms are stuff like locking the door on my house...driving up the street and HAVING to go back recheck...go home recheck and leave and return. I had to do that up to 3 or 4 times. Checking doors on the house before bed, getting to bed and going back and rechecking. Getting up 5 or 6 times to check on my son. I have to put things in very specific places and if my wife would move something, I would lose it. Ummm..that's just a few of them. All the symptoms are different for different people. It helped in the husbandry of reptiles as I would check temps,etc religeously. I also did math in my head a lot, I always had to be thinking of things. I would drive in a parking lot and automatically count the number of cars, as if it isn't an option. Also had weird thoughts in my head that I couldn't get rid of. I thought I was going nuts.
Anyway, through medication and learning techniques through a therapist, I can control it. I have urges still, but my mind has become more "quiet" a kind of peace I didn't have before. It is a real condition and I see that show MONK making it look kind of funny. To me, it wasn't very funny and was a real problem. I don't think just washing hands a lot is bad, but would be one of many obsessions in an OCD person. My mom has it too, so I think it might be genetic. Unfortunately, my 4 year old seems to exhibit some of these things and we are watching to make sure it isn't just a stage. If not treated, I think I would be divorced by now, but luckily I got some help and it's cool. I am much more laid back.

OCD Treatment

Yes it could be considered a small obsession, but i believe that you have ocd.
I've had moderate "ocd" my whole life as far as i can remember and it manifests itself in many ways rather than just one thing (as with the stereo).
The fundamental condition of ocd is essentially habit based, so many people will likely consider that you do have ocd without knowing the true basics of this debilitating disorder.
We can all be classed as having ocd because as humans we are rather habitual creatures. But there are varying extremes as i'm sure you and everybody on here knows.
So to cure this I go for therapy, Searched the net to understand and to know the treatment for ocd , buy books and other stuff on ocd.

Good Luck N Take Care
Everything I own is in alphabetical order:rolleyes:

Does that count for anything cause if something is out of order I fix it to make it in order :madeuce:
I'm obsessive about peoples shirt tags sticking out. It's one of those things that I HAVE to fix, even if I don't know them. I'll walk up to them, and say "Hold on a sec, your tag's out." and then tuck it back in. it freaks some people out, but it ticks me off more than anything. That and I get rather obsessive about even numbers. Even with my snakes. I'm freaking out right now because I only have 23. I need to get another one, and soon.
i have a tendency to try to make things even. for example, while i worked at target and stocked and fixed the aisles, i had to make sure every product was perfectly aligned! as well with any product that was lining up behind the facing. and if there wasnt an even amount, the first row had to have more.

when i get the water ready for a shower, and test the temperature, it must be with my right hand. I also have to wet my left hand as well.

If i'm eating any type of candy like skittles or m&m's, i have to eat the color i first saw before any other color.

just a couple of my weird little quirks! =]
I've had OCD my entire life. Most of my habits revolve around patterns and evenness, and used to control much of my everyday life. I've been able to get a handle on those, but unfortunately, my worst habit is still 'at large'. I have trichotillomania, a disorder linked to OCD where I obsessively pull out my hair. In the 7 years that I've had it, the amount of hair on my head has decreased by about a third. As I'm typing this, I pause between sentences to pull. It's kind of a nightmare :(