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October Babies!


Herpetologists' offspring
This is my first clutch from parents who weren't classics! I was very excited for the outcome, hoping to prove out my ghost's possible amel het. But what I ended up with was somewhat unexpected...

Parents: Opal het. 50% Motley x Ghost het. Stripe 66% Caramel 50% Amel

Hatchlings 1, 3 and 4: Yuki (Anery), Jadyn and Iris

Number 2: Seraph (1.0 Anery het. Amel, Hypo, Lavender 50% Stripe)

Number 5: Satsu (Classic het. Amel, Anery, Hypo, Lavender 50% Stripe)

Number 6: Bambi (Classic het. Amel, Anery, Hypo, Lavender 50% Stripe)

I was certainly not expecting any anery hatchlings. I e-mailed Sean Niland asking the parentage of my opal, but he wasn't aware of any anery being in her genes. But he also said that one of her parents he'd bought from someone else, so it was indeed a possibility. What a fun surprise!