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Odd clicking noise


New member
Hey all,

I recently got a four new hatchlings from one of the breeders on this forum. So far all has gone quite well (aside from feeding issues, which I knew about beforehand). But I've noticed something a little bit odd that I've never seen (or rather heard) with my other corn.

On occasion, at least two or three of the new hatchlings have made tiny clicking noises when they stick their tongues out. It's a very quiet sound (it would be inaudible from just a few feet away), it only happens once each time, and it's definitely not every time they flick their tongues. It sounds a bit like a couple of fingernails tapping against each other (for those of you who have long enough nails, try sticking your thumbnail under one of your others, or vice versa, and then flicking it out; it sounds exactly like that). It might happen once or twice during a handling session, or not at all (mostly it doesn't).

The tongue-flicking seems to be the only common element. And it's definitely not hissing (I've gotten a few of those. ;))

Any ideas?
Hate to tell ya this but my ball python had that clicking and it was a respiratory infection. Maybe take one to the vet and if it has a RI, then they may all have it due to proximity. Snakes don't make noises other than hissing as far as I know.

I am new to snakes though, (less than a year). Perhaps some senior members can give their opinions.
Oh my Gosh. I forgot to mention. Quarantine your snakes immediately. Put them in separate rooms from each other. That way, if it is a RI, it doesn't spread. It's pretty contagious I hear.

Good luck.
I can only imagine that if I was a tiny, iddy biddy little baby snake and I had a cough, it would sound like that. It's probably mucous that's making a noise inside the esophagus when it takes a significant breath.. Just an educated guess, though. I would get him looked at right away..
They may also be getting ready to shed. The skin around their nostrils can slightly block them, resulting in a clicking sound
Thanks guys. I've been looking into local snake doctors, since I figured even without sick snakes now, I want to have a vet just in case. Once I settle on a place (there seem to be a few that have reptile services, but so far only a couple that specifically mention snakes) I'll grab at least one of the little guys to take in.

In the meantime, I'll take precautions and hope for the best; maybe I'll get lucky and it'll turn out to just be impending sheds. ;) Thinking back, it does seem as though I've been hearing the sounds less (3-4 total during the first handling, only one on the most recent?), but I don't want to take chances.

:-offtopic When I first got one of my cats a few years ago (a semi-stray), she had a feline upper respiratory infection, and it was absolutely pathetic hearing her cough.
Double het said:
It's a warning. "Mind ya, i can become a beast if your not very carefull with me"

Where on Earth did you get that information? What facts are you basing that on?

Please sight the book and page number you read where corn snakes make voluntary noises other than hissing.
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tracy0416 said:
Where on Earth did you get that information? What facts are you basing that on?

Please sight the book and page number you read where corn snakes make voluntary noises other than hissing.

Experience.... I've been keeping and breeding snakes for many years now. Cornsnakes, kingsnakes, milksnakes, taiwan beautysnakes. You name it.

When they get bigger you get a little puffing hisss. So tiny it does sound like that. When they only do it when your handling then it's a warning. Nothing to worry about. If they do it constantly, and your not handling them you might want to consider a vet
But i am happy you read a book :) Keep on reading. But the real knowledge comes from experiencing things yourself.
Double het said:
But i am happy you read a book :) Keep on reading. But the real knowledge comes from experiencing things yourself.

Firstly, no need to be sarcastic, re: "happy you read a book" comment. It doesn't go over well here and isn't a good first impression.

Secondly, diagnosing a snake you've never seen, or a sound you've never heard live, over the internet, is irresponsible and dangerous behaviour.

It seemed to me like you are guessing at what the clicking noise is but stating it as a fact. It's fine to have theories but STATE THEM AS SUCH. Confirming through investigation, sound research and science is what we strive for here.

When I personally cannot provide factual information, or if I am giving any advise here on snakes, (which I rarely do), I share my experience and then state that I am not the expert or that what I state is not confirmed knowledge, (or a guess) and that folks should investigate further.

You wrote: "it's a warning" but how do you actually know? You don't know for sure and are telling someone, no, diagnosing a snake, OVER THE INTERNET.This, AFTER others have presented the idea of a respiratory infection is dangerous.

You don't KNOW what the noise is. Even stating:

"I think it might be a warning" would have been fine and not dangerous or misleading.

I am simply asking you for proof to confirm your "observations" and "opinions." I thought perhaps you had read it in a book or were a vet or a scientist/biologist who had studied snakes from the INSIDE out in order to determine what the clicking noise was.

Example: I've had cats for 15 years but I'm still not able to diagnose their ailments.

If you cannot be sure of something, please don't present it here like you are sure. New snakes owners, or those worried or concerned for their snakes, don't need inaccurate information that cannot be backed up by FACT.

So, again what scientific facts do you have to support your claim of a "clicking" sound being a warning?