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odd shape, didnt notice before


my bestest addiction!
hi, I fed Sonja 2 pinkies on Sunday 1/3 (she weighed in at 22g).
she ate them fine, this was the 2nd time I fed her 2 at once.

but I noticed today that the shape near her butt is odd, at least I never noticed it before.

it always tapered before gradually, but now it looks like the same thickness from her body to her butt, then immediately tapered really small.

I found a small amount of poop that I cleaned up already.

is it just because she ate 2 pinkies? she needs to poop more?
do i need to worry about this?

didn't notice this the first time i fed 2 to her.

hopefully these aren't silly questions, i am just worried something may be wrong.

thanks, JFA
Welcome to the land of the "I am so gonna poop on you!"-butt. If my kids are displaying that... they don't get handled. :p I have no desire to become anointed in that fashion.

...sorry I know people have been saying it... but I wanted to say it loudly...er boldly...
Definitely getting ready to unload. Fuzzy was "overdue" for a good dump this week and I didn't want to get marked, so he went swimming last night. 5 minutes in the warm water works like a charm :)
LOL, thanks for the reassurance, she pooped again and now looks "normal" to me again!!

i guess i never saw her about to poop before then, ha.

she's definitely getting longer, wish i could get her still to measure.
Sometimes when Simon hasn't pooped "on time", I take him out for a bit and usually I can time it right that he'll have a poop within a few minutes of being put back.
LOL! Since Mouse has pooped on/near my mom twice now, we joke that she's a snake-laxative... but Boo never did so I took him out to crawl around on her bed last night... and he promptly unloaded a HUUUUGE poo right on her comforter!!!
This is good. I have 3 snakes and every time we get them out, atleast one of them poops on her every single time. My red tail boa did a few weeks ago. Then my Okeetee did last weekend and then yesterday my blizzard got her real good and he is a adult. Then other two are still less than a year old.
Fluffy JUST crapped all over my friends comforter. It soaked through the blanket, through the sheets and through the mattress. My little poo-monster. =]
Really? That's odd, did you sit there for a half an hour gawking at it or something? Usually when snakes poo, as long as you rush to clean it up it comes off like it was never even there.