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Oh, how I wish I could have a Blizzard...


New member
I've been doing a lot (A LOT) of poking around here and I've found my dream corn. The pure white Blizzard.

I love them so much!!!

This is just a small woe is me because there are like no breeders here in Ontario, Canada. I've looked and looked... all the breeder sites are either down or just not updated and I've had no luck searching classifieds.

I hope someday I can own one of them. :sobstory:
I'm sure if you just stay patient and keep looking, you will eventually find one! They are a very cool (no pun intended) morph.
4 hours is nothing... up early make a whole day out of it ;)
Or check which breeders that come, that way you can buy from the via online (there's always a list somewhere and just pick it up there)
If I drove that would be a different story! I do not, sadly. And since I'm in school, I'm not working too much.... maybe next year I can though!
I have the same problem in Scotland. There just isn't enough people interested in snakes or breeding them. If I had the space and time I'd have house full of corns there adorable and each one unique. I hope u get your blizzard
CrazyColubrids here on the forum breeds them, plus whiteouts, and while he's in Saskatchewan, he does ship, and it's not TOO bad, costwise. I shipped a gorgeous vanishing stripe anery girl from him back in September, and she's amazing! Totally worth having to save up an extra few months to pay the shipping!