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Ohh Dear .. i need help with this one.

Fun and games,
my snake has escapped and has been hideing sumwhere in me flat..for the past 48 hours.

ive tried double sided stiki tape... bottle traps. staying up all night with a flash light tooth picks..

Its cold in here aswell.. im panacking now..
Please dont give me the i shud have secured my tank properly.. because i did.
My brother has obviously had him out, even tho instructed not to, unless under my supervision.

this is my first escape, he is about 6 or 7 months old.. about 50cm long..
ive had the flat upside down looking for him!

please help, and sorry you must get this all the time..
good luck finding it ive not had an escape yet but there is still time. have you put any food down to see it that will bring him out of hiding?
Could he be anywhere in your house or just in one room. Also check under or behind the fridge. keep putting food, traps, and water out and hopefully he come out. Keep us posted.
Hi, what did you do with the double sided sticky tape? Tape of any kind is very dangerous to snakes and can cause a lot of harm to their scales. Hope you find it soon.
Double sided taps is a proven snake-catching stratagy...not pleasant for either party (Being stuck on it or trying to remove a squirming snake from it), but if it gets your snake back...

Try leaving food and traps in warmer places, like near or under the fridge and other electrical appliances.

best of luck to you!
Don't forget to look up as well, Snakes don't always stay on the ground. I find that having plastic bags all around the apartment allowed me to hear my snake when he escaped. You just have to have the sound level low enough that you can hear any rustling. Also, watch water sources. I found my snake once when he escaped hanging from the toilet seat trying to reach the water below. Best of luck finding him.
still no luck...

thanks for your kind words and advice.
this is really starting to get to me now.

i fear he may have some how got into the walls buti dont know.

the only warm places i can think of, seen as i dont have a fridge are behind the bearded dragons viv, witch ive checked over and over, or somewhere by the computer..

how long do you think he can survive out of his viv?

its feeding day tomorrow but ive had no luck with bottle traps the past three days.. are there any scenting products i can buy??

thanks again
the snake can survive quite a while without food, you could try putting a couple of water bowls down with a line of flour around them so you'll know if it's visited for a drink. remember they can squeeze into really small spaces to hide. sticky traps can really injure a small snake though, personally I'd stick to using the otle traps, although if it's only feeding day today the snake maybe hasn't been hungry enough to look for food yet. good luck. (I've had 3 escapes, and found the snakes quickly, sqished along under radiator pipes in the case of the little ones, and under my bed in an insulated picnic bag in the case of the ratsnake.)
Oh heck you must be stressing like crazy!!! He could be anywhere!

My only advice is to look in dark, warm places and knowing snakes, extremely tight fits! I really hope you find him though. A petshop near me had an escape and they never found the little guy! :cry:
Don't lose faith yet.

One of ours escaped and was missing for nearly 3 weeks. I thought he was gone for good - I'd tried the bags round the walls, bottletraps etc. with no success then found him totally by chance hiding in the window blinds about 2 feet from his tank.

He was hungry and thirsty when we got him back but other than that was ok.

We had ripped the house apart looking for him, then he just turned up.
Remember to look near his tank, both upwards and down. He probably hasn't gone that far.

Good luck
I agree, don't loose faith. I lost a king snake once that was gone for three months. Needless to say I had given up and figured the nieghbors cat probably got to him. But, while out sweeping my front porch, I moved a planter and there he was. There is always a chance your snake will return/be found. Good luck.
Honestly, I have never had a snake escape for so long, but I have read tons of post here, where they end up showing up even months later...
so hang in there... :)

Just keep checking the warm places, and always double check the same area after you've checked....

When I had an escape a few years ago, I noticed that if you check an area, and then come back to it - the movement the first time around gets them moving...
at times, when you come back you will then find them....

that's how I found the lil' guy...

still no sign of him tho..
ive left food traps for him every night..

Ive put a deposit on an adult female witch im gonna pick up on the 29th.
dont think she has been handled much, not looking foward to being bitten but she is gorgeous, and well over five feet in length, the reptile house said it is one of the BIGGEST corns they have ever had. ill put some pictures up in this thread when i get her..

Also ive bought a complete new set up so hopefully when my little gut turns up ill have a full house..well flat.

I was thinking, maybe he would have gone into hibernation because of the tempreture drop outside of his Viv?

i have heard movment in the night, but not sure wether its me dragon farting in its sleep or summit..

i really don't mean to be discouraging at all with this, but...

i had one of my corns escape. i still have NO idea how it happened. brand new viv. new top, new everything. i made SURE the gaps in the bars on top were fine. i was actually paying quite close attention to him since it was a new viv. my gf goes out to use the ladies room really early one morning and she checked on him for me. np. he's good. i got up a couple of hours later and he was gone. gone gone. like totally and utterly left the building kinda gone. i tried everything. no sign of him. i waited a day. a week. a couple of weeks. no sign. so, i pretty much thought, well, it's warm out, we have snakes locally, he must have gone to join in the local snake population. i sold his viv (actually brought it back to the store it was so new). i'm not kidding, but about 3 months later we had some visitors. they have a cat. they also thought the house was too warm so they turned on the AC. i don't bother. sure enough that combo brough the snake out and "running". the cat found him within hours!
so, like i said, not to be discouraging, but, snakes can survive a really long time without food, so do NOT worry about that! corns can also get chilly and not necessarily suffer a lot from it. so, again, do not worry about that. i found, in my research, that they also don't do a lot of travelling. so, i don't think it has gone far, but i also don't think it will come out until ready. yes, feel free to leave food out etc. but i honestly dont' think it will come out that way. if you have AC turn it on to maybe flush it out of the vents, that might help, and other than that just keep a close eye out just incase you happen upon it. they're sooo small and amazingly crafty!!! amazingly. it could be in any shoe and you'd never know it until you really dug around in there. i've had snakes escape before, but not like this. although, i've only had much bigger boas in the past. :)
i hope your snake comes back to you as mine did to me. well, i don't think it chose to come back, but either way i hope you find yours. best of luck, and try to get it out of the ducts somehow. i can almost guarantee it's gone somewhere dark over somewhere warm.

cheers and good luck...
try this:
1 lay out food traps, but make the pinky, fuzzy or whatever bleed, for the scent

2 put out a water bowl next to it

3 put a nice cosy hide next to it

no doubt the snake will, come, eat, drink, hide, sleep.

also check around curtain poles and stuff