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Ok, I found these babies at a very nice shop


New member
Does anyone have an idea which one of these babies is special, they all are very pretty and hand raised, (if that's how you say it) and I'm thinking about raising one to mate with Rusty, (my hypo.) by the way, who old should they be before they mate?


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They are all beautiful and I'm no expert, it would help to see thier ventral area/ belly. Amels and Normals motley / stripe or het motley stripe. The belly would be a good indicator, at least from all the advice I've gotten on this forum.
Breeding three years, three feet, 300 grams.
:sidestep: have you had Rusty sexed yet, and do you know the sexes of these babies.
Just my .02 at first I got snakes from Petco/Petsmart and a local pet shop. They didn't know sex, morphs... All but one lived, I did a petshop rescue at least I knew (knowledge gotten on this forum) she was amel. The remainder of my snakes are from a breeder, I know sex, morphs, hets, parents...While I don't think my first snakes were a huge mistake, it spanned three years, when I could have been more focused on my breeding. susan
maybe you should do a bit more research about breeding and figure out what morph you want to breed rusty too, and then go out and find that morph. Instead of just getting 'what's there at the time'. I mean, if you're going to make babies, make pretty babies.
: )
This sub-forum is for new members to introduce themselves, not for any kind of thread you want to post. Isn't this the third thread (at least) that you've started in this section?

When in doubt, and your thread is about corns, post in the "Miscellaneous Corn Snake" sub-forum. That's where I'm moving this thread to.
I love the motley striped normal but that is not the best to breed with what you have.
On this link, you will find an excellent book to read dealing with a lot of your questions.. This is the immortilized Queen of Corns site, Kathy Love..

http://www.corn-utopia.com/Corn Uto...or sale Cornutopia corn snakes cornsnakes.htm

Another excellent book can be found at this link. Don Soderburgs site..


Both are definantly worth the price, and I consider them to be must reads for anyone who has an intrest in corn snakes..

Regards.. Tim of T and J