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Okeetee Eggs Pipping--Update

The title says it all. There were a total of 2 eggs, both fertile. Today, the babies started pipping. Neither of them are out, yet. Maybe by morning. Cross fingers, please, for 2 healthy babies!

I have no idea of the backgrounds of the Okeetee parents. I should get 2 Okeetees, right? I hope so, anyway :). What little I can see of them so far looks rather dark. Mom and Dad snakes, and the surrogate human Mama are all first-timers at this. We're all excited. Well, at least I'm excited :).

Here is the only pic we have so far. Didn't want to bother them while they're doing their thing:

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OH! So exciting Irish!! They are really going to town on those eggs, aren't they? LOL
(You could call them "Slash" & "Shredder") haha

I cannot wait to see the new babies!
OH! So exciting Irish!! They are really going to town on those eggs, aren't they? LOL
(You could call them "Slash" & "Shredder") haha

I cannot wait to see the new babies!

LOL! Slash and Shredder!?! Maybe not :). Wouldn't want them growing up to be B movie horror stars, now, would we?
Yay!!! (can you tell I like Okeetee's, Mrs Z)? Some Okeetee breeders have mentioned over the years that the darker the babies are at hatching, the more likely they'll turn out to be real sweet examples of an "Okeetee"...

Congrats, looking forward to the obligatory "baby pics" :)
LOL@Nanci :). Not sharp enough for B movies, I'm thinking!

Baby Number One is out, now. The first to pip, and the first to exit. S/he weighs in at a "whopping" 8 grams :). I don't see or feel any kinks, and s/he has fully absorbed the yolk sack. AND s/he's speedy! I didn't realize they came out of the egg moving fast and tongue flicking so soon :).

Anyway, here's the one and only (so far) pic of my baby. Pretty little Okeetee thing that s/he is, I'm already in love with it :):


P.S.--Heather, if it's safe to bring it/them along when we visit you, can you sex them for me? Purdy Pleez?

Baby number two has hatched, and this little one is also 8 grams, and is perfect in every way :). S/he's also feisty! Came out striking! I hope this means that s/he'll have a good, strong feeding response, as well :).

First two photos are without flash:



And here s/he is with the flash. Angry (scared!) as all get-out, and ready to take on the world :):


And, yes, Heather, I will bring them along so you can sex them for me. Thank you!
These little ones are both boys (thanks for sexing them for me, Heather!). I kept baby #1, and gave baby #2 to Heather, as I don't need a total of 4 Okeetee boys :). I can't wait to watch these guys grow up!
Congrats on "Slash and Shredder" LOL... Out of all the snakes we own, I still am an Okeetee lover at heart! They are my favorites... They look awesome, especially with the attitude! Congrats again mom! Enjoy your new arrivals.....
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They are lovely, I love the dark borders. It's so interesting to see the morphs as babies. Congratulations :)
The pics of #2 without flash you can really see the nice thick boarders on him, good looking couple, I can't wait to breed my okeetees next year. My female has grown so much in the last couple months