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One day late feeding??


New member
I am leaving home for six days - my snake is not welcome were i am going. my leave works with her feeding schedule enough where she will only be a day behind on feeding. I have my neighbor - who will check in on her and take pics to let me know how she is doing (girl has an intellectual disability). I guess I dont really have a question but rather animal mom stress and i just need someone to tell me it is ok to miss one day on feeding my baby.
Mama HeatherB, your baby beastie will be JUST fine! Never has a corn starved from being short one day of a usual feeding schedule, just like if they are in blue you wouldn't feed her until after she sheds. One thing I have learned is that THEY dictate their feeding, and this will be the ONE time that you get to do it!

Enjoy your vacation!
One day won't matter at all, but will the neighbor be able to give her water? If she could top it up and secure the viv properly, I'd still put 2 water dishes in there in case the snake poops in one.
One day won't matter at all, but will the neighbor be able to give her water? If she could top it up and secure the viv properly, I'd still put 2 water dishes in there in case the snake poops in one.

Oooh, good point, I have one who is a water bowl pooper EVERY week!
Sorry for the late reply... grad school sucks. Thanks for all the advice and assurance!

Despite my motherly anxiety everything worked out well. I did use a second water dish however we had zero problems. She was so excited when I got back! She came out right away and was ready to get out and help write my thesis...