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one istant in a life


New member
This story is written by a friend. I’m posting it here, because you never know when one instant will change your life. I’m asking for kind thoughts, prayers whatever you do to ask for help.

This was written on Sept 14, 2012
Have you ever hear me say that? I am guessing most of you have not. These people are our friends. Real people that WE know. The man who got hurt (Darrell) well he is a good man. Very kind and treats people with respect. He is a hard worker with good morals. If you ever needed any help you could always give him a call and he would be right over same with his wife. Just a few months ago when I had my knee surgery they were there for me.
Have any of you seen the show "Ax Men"? It's a reality show about logging, camera crews go to several different logging sites with specific logging crews to film them doing what they do. Sometimes these guys have to climb way up a tree to cut it or to attach cables up high.
We have a friend Darrell, who used to cut trees down like the guys on Ax Men do. This used to be his main source of income but for awhile now he has only done it on the side. We had plans for him to come out to our place and take some of our dead trees down before the weather turns. Tragically, on Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 Darrell Harlin had a horrible accident. Currently unemployed, Darrell had taken a side job to take down some dead trees in order to bring some money in so he could support his wife Meg, who is a stay at home mom and his 2 step sons, Tanner 10 and Jordan 16. This side job has changed his and his families lives for ever.
Darrell climbed up a tree to cut some off the top, he took the proper safety precautions and harnessed himself to the tree. Darrell was 45 feet up the tree when it broke at the bottom and topled to the ground, since he was harnessed to the tree he fell right along with it, instead of away from it and it landed right on top of him. Darrell sustained serious, life threatening injuries, quite frankly, he's damn lucky to be alive! He broke his neck, but thankfully was not paralized. He broke his pelvis which has caused severe fluid build up. He has a huge gash in his stomach, allowing his intestines to come out. He severly broke his leg, crushed his ankle and also his heel. He's on a ventilator and is in a medically induced coma to keep his pain and suffering to a minimum.
Darrell is in ICU at Peace Health in Vancouver. He has had multiple surgeries and procedures including a metal rod placed in his neck along with other hardware, his adominal wound has to be vacuum packed so they can easily get in and clean it out regularly, they can't close this wound yet because of the incredibly high risk of infection. He had surgery on his leg which resulted in the removal of 3 muscles that had died. Sadly, that was not enough to save the leg or to keep infection from spreading. Yesterday at 2:30pm, Darrell had his leg amputated just above the knee.
Thank you for reading my note, and the Harlin families story

Darrell is my son-in-law, Meg is my daughter. The person who wrote this is a friend of theirs, what he says about their willingness to help is so true. Darrell has always been a very hard worker, not stopping until the job is done. No job was too small for him either, he would shovel manure if that’s what you needed done. He is not perfect, he certainly has his demons and now more. Meg is petite and rosy cheeked, she sees the good in everyone and is the first to bring a dinner over if you are sick or tired or just need some help. Tanner loves Darrell so much and often has taken D’s shirt or jacket and hid it in his bed so he would smell like D. Last year he dressed like D for Halloween.
Bad things happen to people everyday on Sept 2, it happened to someone close to me, someone I love.
I'm new here and don't know you, but wanted to let you know that I was very moved by your post, and I am very sorry that you and your family are going through such pain.
Thank you it means alot that you read it.

Of course. I read a lot here but rarely respond because I'm new and like to lurk. Posting again to say that your family will be in my prayers. My husband works 12 hours away in the oil fields, and dangerous things happen on the job. They also happen here at home. In an instant ... that's all it takes. :(
Thank you for reading and well wishes. They are backing off on meds today, so he will be alert. Of course with that will start coming the reality of what has happened. Chest tubes out, nasal feeding tube out (they put one in his stomach), all of this is progress. We all feel blessed for the kind thoughts.
Well good news, breathing tube is out, ng tube is out and he is sitting in a chair for an hour each day. Small steps he follows requests, answers questions by blinking with tube and holding my daughters hand. The breathing tube came out this afternoon so we'll have to see if he can form words. He may have to re-learn many things, but that's OK he's alive and he smiles and he knows my daughter.