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ooooooh Thanagar.


secretly normal
I was ready to go to bed, but I needed my internet fixed. So, while my roommate helped with that, I decided to take out one of the snakes.

Thanagar bit me. He didn't even have the decency to hold on so I could get a picture, he just bloody tagged me. Well, fine, it was an honest mistake and I decided to take him out anyway. And don't worry, he obviously didn't bite me out of stress, after calmly slithering around my bed for 10 minutes he got nice and relaxed enough to poop. You know you're a herper when: You're changing your bed sheets at midnight. It was just because my roommate was distracting me, I normally watch both ends of the snake very carefully

Anyway, I still love him but it will be a long time before he's my favorite again.

And here is a picture of Moss! Yeay!


Just wanted to share. I know I don't post here as much as I use too.
Moss looks like he want's a chance to tag you and poop in your bed...lol
Great pic...and great story too. XD
lol. know that feeling. i had my boa out the other day and saw the tail come up so i put my hands under it instead of her pooping on the carpet. not a very comfortable thing to have to do. but id rather just be able to toss it in the can and not have to scrub up the carpeting.
lol. know that feeling. i had my boa out the other day and saw the tail come up so i put my hands under it instead of her pooping on the carpet. not a very comfortable thing to have to do. but id rather just be able to toss it in the can and not have to scrub up the carpeting.
Oh god....:puke01:No one can ever say you don't love your animals, that's for damned sure...
well, I would say "No one can ever say you don't love your carpet, that's for damned sure..."

And thanks Nanci! My snakes are still full of personality and I love them to death, most of the photos of them these days ends up om my embroidery blog. I like this one of FinFang, even though he isn't that visible, it shows his personality - and colours - rather well


He was climbing the camera
(the embroidery piece is really small)

And Cardassia looking at a floss toss for my next project


she tries to bite me every time I take her out <3
oh, and here is another one of Moss


I put it on a friends back pack, Crash Man vs Snake Man, lol. Since Moss is in blue, Crash Man has the advantage.

Hobbies, I has them.